What Happens If You Refuse to Vaccinate Your Kids? | Days After CHD Sues Meta, Zuckerberg Says ‘No More Censorship’, Coincidence?

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The Kim Iversen Show LIVE | January 08, 2024

In this powerful interview, Mary Holland, Esq., CEO of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), joins the Kim Iversen Show to expose the dark alliances between Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the government. Just days after CHD filed a lawsuit against Meta for censorship, Mark Zuckerberg announced a sudden end to Facebook’s censorship policies. Coincidence? Mary breaks down the lawsuit, the implications for free speech, and what this means for the future of public discourse.

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🔗 Learn more about CHD: Children’s Health Defense
📚 Books by Mary Holland and CHD: Vaccine Epidemic, The HPV Vaccine on Trial, and Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

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#HealthFreedom #Censorship #BigPharma #VaccineMandates #ChildrensHealthDefense #FreeSpeech #KimIversenShow

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