Emotional Boy Preciously Holds Rainbow Baby Brother

6 years ago

A rainbow baby is a baby born shortly after the loss of a previous baby. This term is given to these special rainbow babies because a rainbow typically follows a storm, giving us hope of what's to come. Such is the case with 6-year-old Mikey, who finally gets his baby brother after years of wishing. Truly a heartwarming moment!

All Mikey ever wanted was to have a baby brother. For years this cute boy with ginger hair from Massachusetts would ask his mom when they were going to expand their family. Since she had some fertility issues before, she didn’t want to raise his hopes up so she was careful to choose her words wisely while explaining to her boy that he might never have the opportunity to play with a brother. After struggling earlier that year, the family decided to accept that having another child wasn’t meant to be.

After the deep conversation with her husband, they were resolved that they would be equally happy and content to live as a family of three. But Mikey never stopped asking about when he was going to be around his little brother, so his mom had to be extra careful not to hurt his feelings. She would say that some families simply didn’t have the luck to have more than one child which was perfectly fine. No sooner Mikey heard this, he would always ended up crying his eyes out which was very difficult for the whole family. As sweet as he is, Mikey always found a way to console himself saying that if he didn’t have a human brother, then he had his dog, and he could be his brother.

Every family occasion, this boy talked about how great it would be when his baby brother could join them. He even made a share plan for his brother, whenever he had two same or similar things, he always remembered to put them aside for his future brother. It seems like someone heard his perpetual insistence for a brother and answered his pleas. One day, the family was hit with happiness when they found out that mommy was pregnant. They were elated. And guess what? It was a boy named Jake who was born 9 weeks early and weighed just 1.7 pounds - and he had the same hair color as his brother!

Jake spent 60 days in the NICU so when he was strong enough to come out of his incubator, he finally met Mikey. He got to hold his tiny brother for the first time and we are sure that the sight will bring tears to your eyes. It’s heart melting and there is no way that you can get away without being emotionally touched. So when they opened Mikey’s shirt and placed his teeny tiny brother against his bare skin, the boy’s eyes flutter closed and he looks like he’s experiencing absolute bliss. He is both emotional and nervous and he can’t stop giggling the whole time. This is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Now, when Jake hears Mikey’s voice, he tilts his little head, turns around to look for him. We truly believe that they will be close forever.

Watch the beautiful moment when Mikey’s dream of becoming a big brother comes true, and don’t forget to share.

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