Saturday Night LIVE: The Barry Seal Saga & the Takedown of the Cabal ~ Part 2

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Saturday Night LIVE: The Barry Seal Saga & the Takedown of the Cabal ~ Part 2

2:00pm PST, 4:00pm CST, 5:00pm EST, 10:00pm London Time, 11:00pm SAST, 9:00am Sydney Australia, 11:00am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, this Saturday Night, December 28th at 4:00pm CST, we will be LIVE with Part Two of the Mind Blowing Movie, America Made, the Story of Barry Seal and his INCREDIBLY BIZARRE Story of Drug Trafficking as a CIA Operative for both the United States Government AND the Medellin Cartel run by Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa; and how his Adventures with these two SEEMINGLY OPPOSING FORCES led him to (1) Mena, Arkansas, and Governor (and later, President) Bill Clinton, (2) into Ronald Reagan’s Presidency, with Powerful connections to Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush’s Personal Military Head of the Nicaragua Sting Operations, Col. Oliver North, and the Vice President’s Son, George Walker Bush, who was Clandestinely connected to the United States Civil Air Patrol, and acted as his Father’s Liason with none other than Barry Seal, (3) into the DEA as an Informant for both getting information on the Medellin Cartel and for Aiding in Setting up the Communist Rebel Fighters in Nicaragua, the Sandinistas, as active members in the Medellin Drug Cartel, and (4) allegedly into the FBI, as an Informant for the CIA’s Illegal Operations within America, relating to the Medellin Drug Cartel...

Could this Story become any more Complex or Twisted? Barry Seal’s story is as Bizarre and Covered Up as Lee Harvey Oswald’s Life, and yes, they met, they were connected to the SAME GROUPS that were all Part of the Bay of Pigs Operation AND the JFK ‘Assassination'! To this Day, neither the CIA, nor Barry Seal’s surviving Family members will admit to his CIA connections, when there is OVERWHELMING Evidence to the Contrary…and what led to the Alleged Assassination of Barry Seal by Hitmen for the Medellin Cartel in 1986? The Fact that Col. Oliver North had leaked Seal’s name to the Press about his Involvement in aiding America’s Secret Investigation into the Connection between the Medellin Drug Cartel and the Sandinista Rebels in Nicaragua, as well as, Ronald Reagan leaking a Photo of Barry Seal partaking in the Sting Operation in Nicaragua, which resulted in Photos of Seal, Pablo Escobar and the Sandinistas at an Airport in Managua, loading Medellin Cocaine onto Barry Seal’s Plane, for the purpose of Trafficking it within the United States…

What does this Mena? Sorry, I meant Mean? That Reagan, Bush, Col. Oliver North (The Military) AND the DEA ALL actively SET UP Barry Seal to the Medellin Drug Cartel, that Seal, the Cartel's TOP PILOT for Trafficking Cocaine into the United States, was a US Government Secret Operative, likely working for the CIA, and had SET THEM UP in Nicaragua, with the Sandinistas! The Result? Within a Month of Reagan’s Nationally aired Presentation to the American People, asking for their support for Greater funding in his effort to Resist the Communist Sandinista Rebels in Nicaragua, the Medellin Cartel had put out a Million Dollar Contract for the Death of Barry Seal…

So, ask yourselves this Question…why would Reagan, Bush, Oliver North and the DEA ALL Sell Out Barry Seal when he had worked for them, and worked well, since 1960, aiding in America’s Safety and Security against Communist Regimes???

Who Provided the Money to make this Movie, and were the Movies Producers??? Imagine Entertainment, and who is Imagine Entertainment, Ron Howard and Brian Grazer, one of the three biggest Production Companies in the entire World…and who Starred as Barry Seal? Tom Cruise, who has NO TIME to do Movies outside of his own, and yet DID so that he could play Barry Seal...

During the Show we will tie everything together, and show you how there is A TRUTH that explains ALL of this Bizarre Situation, and how the events with Barry Seal and Nicaragua are EERILY SIMILAR to those of Charlie Wilson, the Congressman from the 2nd Congressional District in Texas, who just happened to bring about the Downfall of the Soviet Union, by Clandestinely supplying the Afghanistan Freedom Fighters with Military Training and Soviet Made Weaponry, so that they could defeat the Largest, Strongest Military in the World from the Mountaintops of Afghanistan, by bringing together a Clandestine Team of Nations, who on the surface ALL HATED ONE ANOTHER...

So, again, Join us this Saturday Night for Part Two of Barry Seal, where, once I piece it all together for you, I assure you that your Heads will be Spinning with Relight!

See you this Saturday Night, LIVE…

With Great Love,
CF and Colleen

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