2025 is the year to thrive

3 hours ago

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2025 is the year to thrive

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
12th of December 2024 11.18

2025 is the year to thrive and conquer. Victory after Victory shall be established on the Earth.

For My Kingdom will go forth speedily and with supernatural power in the midst of the darkness.

The supernatural realm shall become more and more visible for My Remnants.

Signs, wonders and miracles will follow My warrior bride.
The blind shall see, the lame shall walk and the captives shall be set free from all bondage.

I will come with healing for past traumas, past wounds.
Trauma from the spiritual warfare against satan and his minions. I will bind up the brokenhearted and those who are crushed.

Oh, because you know who you are in Me is now a threat to the devils.

You shall take territories like never before as My true Sons and Daughters.

Take authority, take it now! Now is the time.

Know My timing in everything you do!

I will give you x-ray eyes to see the spirits behind the people that are surrounding you.

I will sharpen your spiritual ears so you are able to hear the plans and plots from the enemies camp.
Remember Gidion, remember Elisha!

Warrierbride, stand your ground!

The enemies are throwing everything they have in their power to steal, kill and destroy but I will not allow the enemies to destroy the Harvest.

This is the time of Harvest so get ready to serve where I Am leading you.

It's time for the Bride to make Her ready for the wedding.

The Harvest is an invitation for the wedding. These two things go hand in hand.

It's time for your promised land to be revealed. The land with Milk and Honey. The land of plentiful and overflow is your portion, your heritage. Take it!

Some of you are asking, do we have a heritage? My answer is YES.

I have given you the Kingdom to rule and reign with Me. My children are never poor and they will not be lacking anything.

Why do you think that the enemy has been trying so hard to attack your faith in Me?

It's My turn now and I will bring chastisement and I Am cleansing My Body on the Earth.

Chaos and shaking will still intensify but I Am coming to intervene in supernatural ways.

2025 is the year where you will thrive. You are more than conqueror.

You are the head and not the tail as long as you submit to Me.

My Kingdom will be visible, manifested and established.

Thus says the Lord of Host.
I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I Am the true Living God.

Proverbs 29:16
Matt. 15:31
Zephaniah 2:9
1 Pet. 2:5
Psalm 144:2
Acts 3:13
Matt. 6:10

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