Satan comes to Earth pretending to be God before Jesus Christ

2 months ago

Satan the Antichrist comes to Earth before Jesus Christ pretending to be God sitting in the Holy seat in Jerusalem pretending to be God as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 :1/ 4 He will perform miracles to deceive the entire world Revelation13: 3/ 14 as the whole world follows him Revelation 13:3 accept those written in the Book of Life Revelation 13:8 who know the fake Jesus comes first.
He comes as Jesus Christ revelation 13:11 two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon..... two horns are a representative of power a lamb is a representative of Jesus Christ and speaks like a dragon is a representation of one of his satan's names in revelation 20:2

Here's a teaching on Revelation 13 from the Shepherd's Chapel that goes over the setup of the one world political system in Revelation 13:1 as Satan shows up in revelation 13:11. God bless you

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