Elijah Streams - Stand Strong, Fight, Occupy Till He Comes! - Robin Bullock - Captions

3 months ago

On October 15, 2024, Steve Shultz opens by shifting the usual Tuesday broadcast time to noon due to Rob's appearance. Julie Smith, the producer, reports from a significant women's march, noting estimated attendance and challenges faced. Steve addresses frustrations with ads on Rumble and offers alternative viewing options without interruptions. Upcoming guest appearances are announced, including Kat Kerr, Dr. Scott, and Andrew Whalen. A detailed discussion begins involving spiritual warfare, the current state of church and government, and the importance of speaking out in the face of adversity. Emphasis is placed on Israel's struggles, the demoralization of Christians, and the critical nature of the upcoming elections. A vision of warriors rising against oppression is shared to motivate the church to remain vigilant and proactive. The show concludes with a passionate prayer for courage and unity.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-15-2024 and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v5irynt

Prophetic Insights: Battling Spiritual Warfare and Rising Again with Robin Bullock | October 15, 2024

In this powerful episode aired on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, Steve Shultz welcomes Robin Bullock for an intense discussion filled with prophetic insights. The show begins with a change in broadcast time and a brief report by Julie Smith from the Million Women March, highlighting the strong presence of God's spirit and the importance of standing firm in faith. Steve and Robin delve deeply into the concept of spiritual warfare and the pressing urgency for the Church to speak out and act against the shifting times orchestrated by Satan. Robin shares profound visions and prophetic words about defeating the enemy's plans and the critical nature of the upcoming election for America and Israel. This episode is a rallying cry for believers to rise up from their weariness, embrace their spiritual power, and take a stand. Don't miss out on Cat Kerr joining the show tomorrow for more enlightening discussions!

00:00 Introduction and Schedule Updates
03:57 Million Women March Report
07:10 Viewer Testimonials and Impact
15:00 Robin Bullock Joins the Discussion
18:51 Technical Difficulties and Spiritual Warfare
47:21 Cultic Practices and Storms
48:24 Demonic War Council in Atlanta
49:07 Chaos and Voter Fraud in Georgia
50:23 Hamas Atrocities and Cultic Rituals
51:47 Supernatural Signs and Prophetic Words
56:29 Demoralization and Subversion Tactics
01:06:01 Vision of Foreign Invasion
01:13:02 Call to Action for the Church
01:17:24 The Importance of Standing Firm
01:25:17 Prophetic Vision of Revival
01:34:07 Final Prayer and Call to Unity

Join us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on October 15 at 12PM Pacific Time. Robin will be discussing the latest intelligence briefing, including election updates, and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Robin Bullock!
Connect with Prophet Robin at robindbullock.com.

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Hey, happy Tuesday, October 15th, 2024. Hope you all remembered that noon was the time that would, that Rob would come on on Tuesdays instead of the normal 11 o'clock Pacific. So we're going to bring him on in just a minute, but we're going to have a report by Julie Smith, our producer and she does Elijah.

She's going to give us a report from the Million Women March or whatever they're calling it. That was a loosely held name for it. They probably had a more official name, but we'll bring her in in just a minute. A quick reminder that we said this, we're going to talk about this, for the rest of the week to remind people those that are just, are being driven crazy because of the ads on rumble that here are your choices.

And because we, we have no control over that. They don't give us any power of the only control you have personally is if you buy The service, instead of the free rubble, you pay 9. 99 a month or 99 a year. We get none of that just for the record. When you do that then they'll remove the ads altogether and your program will not be interrupted.

So that's, that's option one. You can watch it on Facebook. That's option two. It's free and no ads, or you can now watch it on elijahstreams. com. Uninterrupted, free, no advertising. So. Yesterday was the first day we rolled that out officially go to Elijah streams calm and watch you if you're if you're watching this Now and you want to just and you keep getting interrupted go to Elijah streams calm right now And you can watch it from there with no no commercial interruption.

So hopefully that will help you a lot Alright, I'll quickly minor about the the upcoming shows cat Kerr will be with us tomorrow. Dr. Scott Dr. Scott will be with us about Nisara on Thursday, and Andrew Whalen will be with us on Friday. And a note on the election, the election week, which is the, Kat Kerr will be with us on election day, the 5th, and she has specifically asked if we could go two hours that day, which is interesting, because I, she's never asked for two hours, so maybe she knows something we don't know, but she wanted to go two hours for that day.

So we're going to go two hours on such an important day like that. The other item is that on the 21st of October, so that's, so at seven, is that seven, six days from now, six days from now the faith leaders event that several of us will be going to I'm bringing about 12 people. I think it is there.

Then other prophets are going all of that when we're going to stream that live from Charlotte. North Carolina on the 21st. That will be the show for the day. So, tell me if I'm getting anything wrong other than that. I think we're ready to go. So Julie, let's bring on Julie to talk about this event and see you.

So how many of you ladies went, we sent you, but I don't remember how many we sent. Yeah, four on our team all together came, it was me, Angie, Kareen, and Andra. There we all are with Evita King and her son, Jared, and his new bride, Sandy, which we all know Sandy. Yes, it was Sandy McGuire, but I guess she probably doesn't go by that anymore.

Yeah, what's what's your last name now, by the way? I think it's ellis. Okay. Okay. Got it Yeah, her son's name is jared ellis. So it was an awesome time. I've heard that 375k people came mostly esters there were some mordecais there and we were a little concerned before going because we got some inside info That there could be planned crowd interruption, you know, like paid agitators.

And then we also heard from people who live there. You need to be careful going out at night because they let loose a bunch of illegal immigrants who have been robbing people. And so we're like, Oh, mercy, Lord. But when we got there a couple nights before, the presence of God was so strong as we were walking around DC. Of course, we took in seeing all the, you know, monuments. There and walk the mall area and we prayed, we saw the white house, the presence of God was so strong. And I heard these words from the Lord before the event, I will answer your yes with my amen. So be it. And that's such a powerful word because it, it takes a co laboring with God.

You have to say yes to him. for him to say, and so be this event wasn't like a can go home and get on wi No, it's saying yes to Go in our areas of influence You know, the nation are calling the seven mountains saying yes to God and he will meet us with his. Amen. So be it. And as we were there, I just saw fire in the crowd, lighting people on fire to say yes to him to be.

That fire back in their communities. And this was what this event was about. Yes, it was about coming together, praying, repenting, praying for our nation in many ways, or a lot of speakers that you know, shared. Lou, of course was a powerhouse. He put on this event, Jenny Donnelly was there. We got to interview her as well.

And yeah, there she is. And we're going to show a quick clip of that with a few others. We interviewed here in a few minutes. But it really was the time to stand up, say yes to the Lord, say no to the enemy in your life, in your community and get involved. That's what this was about. That's really, really good.

When you play that clip, jenny does talk about that as well. I love that quote. Wow. So that's, that's really good. I mean, I've been, I didn't make it to this small event. I've been to like two or three others, at least two. I was at the The call there's one with a million man march. Okay. Yeah, which was a promise keepers event I think and then I was at the call Which was the young people?

I think there's either been two or a third one. I don't know but they're they're very powerful events in the spirit, so Yeah, and so I wanted to share with you and our elijah stream viewers, you know We had our elijah streams gear on our hats on and people were coming up Oh, I love Elijah streams. I love your guys.

Your show. I watch you all the time. Tell Steve. Hi, tell him he's changed my life. He's changed our lives and how we look at our nation and, and waking us up. And we even had a lady we'll play a clip at another time. I think her name was Krista. She came up to us and told us her personal testimony of how God healed her family and her mom through watching Elijah streams.

My goodness. Yeah, he reconnected them and healed their relationship. So, I mean, I was just blown away that so many people knew Elijah streams and we're saying, tell Steve high and thank him that he's changed our life. And I mentioned this on the show yesterday. And then today again I'll repeat the same thing cause I was in DC, but for the other event with Johnny Enlow, and that had been pre planned and I was seeing people sometimes on a couple of times on the street where they're, you know, They come up or in the hotel and they just, I just have to tell you, thank you so much.

People really, really, really appreciate Elijah streams. And of course they're talking about our guests. They're talking about the whole thing. Anyway, yeah, I better rush along here and let's see. Were you going to mention that no trespassing sign? Yeah. Let's bring that up of the white house. I, this was my first time in DC.

So this was the white house and we were behind. a, you know, really big fence. And it was even farther back. This is my first time in D. C. But others have said there's another fence there, but they've even pushed it back more. And we were grieved. Angie on our team was grieved by this. And so we took a picture, you know, it says no trespassing authorized personnel only.

And then it just made us think, Hmm, here we are in front of the white house. They've pushed back the fence, the barrier more. But of course we have wide open borders everywhere we go, but there's a huge border along the white house. We couldn't even get close. Yeah. Crazy, crazy. All right. We're going to play that clip that you have video.

It's about a three minute video. Is that what we got? Yeah, it's a quick reel of a few interviews we got and we'll share that. But we did have awesome interviews with Jenny Donnelly, Robert Henderson, Dr. Alveda King, Herman Martyr. Becca Greenwood, Candice Smithyman, Audrey Hancock, Nate Johnson, Krista Elijah, and Mariel Villareal.

And we'll show those full interviews on Elijah Force soon at a later time. But today we're just highlighting a few of those clips and what we saw at the mall. So let's go ahead and play that. All right. This is a global Esther moment. We do not just stand before human beings who are coming here to be blessed.

We're standing as a holy priesthood before the whole heavenly courtroom. What do you do here? As representatives of a whole nation, effect principalities and powers. Because today being the day of atonement, it is the day that the court is seated and the books are open. So we have an opportunity to come before the courts and present a case in behalf of America, that America would be saved, that there would be judgments against every power of darkness.

And we would be able to see what God wants for this nation to accomplish rather than what the devil wants. And I believe that there is business being done in the heavenly court right now on the Day of Atonement. And I can feel the weight of the hour and I believe the people standing for row after row after row after block after block can feel the weight of what is happening here today.

And my hope. And my dream and my assignment today is to mobilize and awaken the church to move into culture and save the next generation. And I believe that that's what God wants us to do. We're not going to leave here today and say, well, what's done is done. What we're going to do is we're going to say, okay, God, send me, send me into the school board, send me into city council, send me to use my voice.

Send me maybe as a nobody, maybe as an everyday person. Send me the church to use my voice to turn America back to God. These kids are worth it. You're worth it. And your voice is needed. God loves us. God is alive. The message to women, the message to America and the world. Life is sacred from the womb to the tomb and beyond.

We are one blood and one human race. And we're all together right now, glorifying God for that truth. This is the defining moment in the history of our nation. And we're calling that we're birthing the prophetic destiny for America. I hear John Knox cried out for Scotland and he said, give me Scotland or I die.

And that. That is the cry for every one of us here today. God, give us America or we die, but send revival one more time. Pull out your spirit one more time. This is not an earthly gathering. This is a gathering in the heavens. Come on, lift your heart to their vision and say, living God, we come, we come to you.

Mount Zion to a blood that speaks better. In the blood of evil, we worship you today.

Very, very powerful. Wow. Wow. Julie. Yeah. The anointing was so strong there. And thank you to Kareem Makahila Hila on our team who put that together for us yesterday. And again, we're going to have the full interviews on our Elijah four show in, in the days to come. Yeah. And yeah, Kareem, you did a great job.

Say her last name again. It's fun to hear her. Makahila Hila, her husband, she lives in Hawaii. You should see it written down. It's he goes away, Makahila Hila. So, yeah, it was so cool to all the divine connections that happened that day. People were meeting, meeting each other on the bus, on the planes, and they all had their shirts.

They were able to connect. And new friendships, relationships happened and you know, I just wanted to highlight Jenny Donnelly real quick because I was thinking about this yesterday and all of a sudden the Lord just brought Jenny to my heart and he said she is a face of a new prophetic generation that is going to take this nation by storm.

If you want to know what his prophetic voice is going to look like to the esters arising, look at Jenny Donnelly. She always says yes to the Lord and he answers. Her yes with his amen. She is one that he is highlighting in this hour. She is an Esther arising. She's a force to be reckoned with, and it's really an honor to know her.

And she lives here in the Northwest with us. So she's a fellow Oregonian and I'm just so proud of her and her voice. All right. Well, Julie, thank you so much for a great report. And there's more details if you watch Elijah Force. And tell people what time of the days that those, that they can see Elijah Force.

Our show airs on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a. m. Pacific time. And you can go to Rumble, we're on Rumble, at Rumble. Elijah for, that's where most of our viewers are. And then we're on Facebook too@facebook.com Elijah, for show. So, all right. It was awesome. Thank you for sending for Esther. We were so excited to be there.

Oh our, it is my pleasure. Our pleasure. So, alright. Thank you so much, Julie. All right, time to bring in Robin Bullock. So here's Robin.

Robin, you've been a busy man today. Shalom, shalom. I have. We just finished the 11th hour. It was, it was strong, strong stuff. It went long today. The 11th hour. Yeah. Is it strong when, strong in what way? Let's put it, let me ask you that. Profoundly strong. It was, It was really strong and yeah, sounds, you know, my, my guitar started making those sounds again and yeah.

Oh, really? It's getting to be almost. Yeah, I'm in place as the Holy Spirit's never caught in place, but I mean, yeah. And, and he just had me, he, I told Austin, I said, just at the end of it, it started before the program. And then at the end of it, I said, just turn it back on again. And I was off the other side of the stage and I said, just turn it on and see what happens.

And it started and then the word started for Israel, you know, and it, yeah, so it was strong brother. Well, you know, and last week you, we talked a great deal about the two main things on everyone's mind right now, Israel and the elections. Sure. Not that they're related, but they, well, may be related. I think they are.

Yeah. Yeah. I think that, you know, you said, and it was like two weeks ago and that was powerful about that women's thing. Oh yeah. That was, that was so good. But about two weeks ago you said, and I forgot about it for a week, but you said, Y'all that have you know, social media platforms, you need to put on there, I stand with Israel.

And I remembered that a few days ago, Sunday night. And so I went across, cause we got six or seven different sites and I've got a great thing that says, I stand with Israel because what did you say? You said something like God, God will bless you. If you do that. He will. Yeah. He, he blessed those that bless Israel.

Yeah. And then it comes down to a personal thing, it said, I will curse him that curseth thee. So yeah. Oh, that's very interesting. Yeah. I like that. It always comes back to a, to a personal thing. So if I love that, if, if you bless Israel and then he's, then he makes it personal where he says, anyone that's cursing you, I will curse him.

He will do that. Yeah. He said and I will curse him that curseth thee. Whoa. And so them is like the nations, him is like personal and it's just the way it is across the board, you know, I love it. Yeah, I love it. I love it. So, well, what's, what's on your heart the most right now? I mean, you just come off of that, you know, what, what came out, I wasn't able to see that cause I was getting ready for this show, but well, it's, it's.

You know, it's Israel, it's the election, it's everything that's going on right now. You know, warfare, any kind of warfare, whether it's physical, whether it's spiritual. It, most of the time when people see war, they only see, they see the bombs, the bullets, they see the, the attack. They see all these things happening in war as it unfolds on the news.

Yeah. Realize that a major attack took weeks, months, years to plan. It was, people stayed up late at night to plan it. They had to go through every scenario to be sure of the success of the mission. Oh. We lost your sound, Robin, did you, did you bump your, oh, you did? No. Yeah, yeah. Now, now you're back. You're back now. I lost my sound. Yeah, you're back. Now I'm back. No, I didn't do anything , but Well, you bump when you reached in and instead of bumped it, you came back. So anyway. It may be a connection here or something.

I don't know. Yeah, we got you. We have you, but anyway. Okay. Great. Great. But anyway, the it takes, it takes a long time to plan on a real, you know, a real intricate. Mission for the military of any military of any kind of war. Well, it's no different in the world, in the war of the spirit. See what happened was, is, is Satan has been planning this a long time.

He's planned it up to this moment. He, he had to get spiritual warfare. It actually is pretty simple. Because it enters into the place of choice. All spiritual warfare is done in the realm of choice. It's not in the S it's not in your spirit. It's in your soul. Can I ask you to pause for a minute, Robin? Let me pause for a minute.

We've got, you're a completely unsynced with your picture guys. Do you think we should have them go out and come back? Yeah, yeah, it's a real big can do that. Let's do that. Why don't you go back out and come right back? Okay, here we go with that. You guys a boot boot him out so to speak Yeah, well, there you go.

Okay. Yeah, it was, it was such a big, a lot of times if it's close, you don't worry about it, but that one got way off. So I wonder what happened on that, but I thought, well, it'll be easier to watch the rest of it. If we, so let me know how that goes. Yeah. I hate to interrupt it. And then there's, once he's on a thing, I don't want to interrupt, but at the same time, It's so distracting for people watching.

So, okay, so we can see, oh, let's go ahead while we're waiting for him. That's a, that's a good idea, Paul. Let's go ahead and run one of the well spots while we're waiting to jump back in. So, go ahead and do that. If you got one guys

and we're back. So let's see how, let's see how you, I don't know, brother. I don't know what it's doing, but. It's nothing on our end that we can find it's a war. While you're talking about warfare, is it still out of sync? Yeah, it is. But I guess why don't you know, yeah, yeah. It's out of sync. I don't know what to do.

Everything. We'll just tell people to ignore the fact that it's done a sink is where your sounds good and your picture's good. And maybe it'll fix itself as we go. So let's, let's go ahead, Robin. And just, yeah, we don't either. We don't need it to be in sync. We don't have any control over it. No, it could just be something in the air for between here and there.

Yeah, it could be, but if it's, if it's too annoying, be honest with you. I'm looking at it on my monitor and it's still that way. Yeah, it's still, it's out of sync. What I'm seeing. Yeah. Yeah. So, well, why Robin, your sounds good. Why don't we just go? Cause we're hearing your voice. We just won't try to follow your lips when you do it.

You got good stuff to say here. That's going to be tough. Yeah, that's going to be a little tough, but I'll do whatever I can. Well, guys, do you have any other suggestions? Paul, Michael, anything? I'm just looking for notes here. John. Yeah. John don't hear either. So, yeah. So all I want to know guys is you just keep going here.

Yeah. What it wasn't either one of ours. Okay. Let me ask you this guys. What if we turned your video off and we just listened to you? So it's not distracting. That's an idea. I don't know. I'm looking for somebody to try. Yeah, we can do that. You know what? There's just saying, keep going. So Robin, let's just keep going.

Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Well, maybe it'll catch up in a minute. But anyway what was we talking about? You were talking about warfare, which is really, yeah, that's what's going on. Well, you know, warfare is in the realm of choice. That's where it's at. People don't realize that it's all in the realm of choice.

And Adam, Adam had, when Satan figured that out, then he had to get Adam to make a choice. Just like he does, anyone that has, he has to get them to make a choice because it's all in the realm of choice and we've come down to that time where we've entered into is the time of the weighing it where we've entered into the time of the scales, the time of choice when Benjamin Netanyahu held up the blessing and the curse in his hand, he brought that time into the nations.

He brought it here. And you're seeing people choose right now, Steve, you're seeing France, France made a choice. And I gave a prophetic word a few weeks before, no, no, no, it was way before a few weeks before that, where the Lord said, I'm not pleased with you, France. I'm not pleased with what you're doing and went on and on about it.

And then they turned on Israel and they said, we're still their friend, but let's do an arms embargo where they don't have any weapons to fight with. Well, that don't sound like a friend to me, you know? So anyway I'm going to say something that's going to be heavy and I don't think the enemy wants it told.

So that's my cue to tell it anyway. You know, and I hope this is not too distracting. No, it's fine. I probably will interrupt you less because if there's too big of a gap, by the time my question gets to you, it'll be, so I'm just going to be more quiet than usual and let you go for it. It's really good though.

This is what I think has happened. I really believe, and I'm just going to say this now, we have entered the final stretch, the final time. You know, Elon Musk said something the other day at that rally and Butler. And, you know, when you have that kind of money and you you're worth that kind of wealth, it comes with it comes with knowledge, it comes with privilege.

And what I mean by that is, is it comes with, you know, more, you know, more about what's going on. You know, more about what's going on behind the scenes. People confide in you, people talk to you. And. And to be honest with you, Elon Musk could take the, the billionaires on the W E F panel and probably buy and sell them and not miss the change.

And, and so he was standing in and Butler, and this is what he said. He said, either we win this one. Or you won't ever get a chance to have another one. Now, what did he know? What does he know that the average person don't know? You know, I've been saying it for the last few years. I said, we either win this one or you won't have another opportunity to vote.

It's going to change. See, Steve, everything changed. And, and I was so glad to see the, the thing that you and Julie was showing. And I think about people making a stand because everything they don't realize that it changed. See, have you ever played, have you ever played a game when you were growing up called in plain sight, where you take an object and you have everybody leave the room.

Then you take this object and you put it in the room somewhere in plain sight. Then everybody has to come back in after a while and see who can find it. And it's just sitting in plain sight. And you would be amazed how hard it is to find that object because you were out of the room for a while. And, and you forgot the room.

And when you come back in, you don't notice it. It's something's changed, but you don't know what it is. See, that's what happened during COVID. It was all a plan. It, people were put behind doors, but after you're behind doors, locked on. On controlled videos, controlled news feeds, controlled everything. Even, you know, YouTube controlled the feed.

You couldn't say certain things. You couldn't do certain things. Everything was kind of controlled. You had curfews in towns. You, I mean, it was just like world war two in Hitler's day. They were locking people down, but they kept them behind closed doors for a month, two months, however long it may have been months.

And then suddenly they rearrange everything out here. And then turn you back out. Well, the world looks the same, but you really don't remember exactly what, what, what was going on. And so the changes are made and you don't know it. You don't even recognize it until you start trying to buy, sell, do certain things.

It's not like it used to be. And so they develop a new normal. It's a new normal and you're in it and you walked into a new world. This is what Harari talks about when he says, it'll be like a screen just pulled down and everything changes. All they have to do is keep you away from reality for a while, turn you back into it, and everything has changed and you don't know it.

You don't know where it's at. You know it's different when you try to live day to day. And now it's not the normal you always knew. And the Lord had given me a word back in 2011. In 20, I think it was, he said, everything will change. And I kept saying this, Steve, back, back then, every time I'd walk up to a podium.

I would say everything, you know, is about to change. And this was before COVID. And I said, everything, you know, is about to change. And then I'd walk. And I said, it will never go back to the way it was. And I'd walk off and people, and even I would ask, what does that mean? Well, I didn't know, but I'd say it again, everything, you know, is about to change and it'll never go back to the way it was.

And then the day the Lord told me, and I'm standing on the stage and I looked around now, In 2016, and I'm headed somewhere with this, yeah, 2016, he told me this and you can find it on old 11th hour intros where I said it. We didn't even have a video of it then. We just had audio, but it had the date on it.

And we said, there's coming a sickness into the earth. And it will make the earth tremble. This was in 2016 that it will make the earth, I think it was 16, tremble. And I said, it will be a harvest for the children of the wicked one. And it'll, And so anyway, then in 2019, I start talking about things are going to change.

It'll never go back. And then on April the 30th, 2019, I looked around on the stage and I said, there's a sickness coming in the earth, a plague. I said, I don't know what to call it. I said, I don't know. And you can find it online. It's very easy to find. I said, I don't, I don't know what to call it. I said, I'd never heard the word pandemic that I knew.

And Robin looked at me and said, an epidemic, maybe I said, yes, maybe an epidemic. I said, but it's like a pestilence. A plague and it's coming and it'll, and unscrupulous men will take advantage of it. And I said, it's going to be international. Well, then all of a sudden it hit and when it hit, things changed and it's never went back to the way it was.

You don't even buy automobiles the way you used to. Nothing is the same. And they changed that on purpose. That was changed. And it was like a screen pulled down and now everybody defines their life by before COVID and after COVID, before the shutdown and after the shutdown. Have you ever noticed that it's all defined.

It's like Satan's a BC and AD. He tried to split time with the seed of the serpent with before the shutdown, after the shutdown, and now everything has changed. Well, now things are not done the same way. So they start talking, Satan has put this together, it's taken him a long time to set this up. But we've come right up to within less than 30 days of seeing it change forever.

If we don't do something, we've got to. We've got to stand and speak is what we have to do. We have to speak. You don't, I'm not talking about going out and trying to fight and all this stuff. I mean, speak, pastors have to speak, churches have to speak. The body of Christ has to talk. You can't, you can't be willing to be silent in this time because what's happening is, see there's two kinds of traitors.

There's the Judas that goes behind the scenes and speaks. France did that to Israel. They start talking and sell out, they sell out. And you find out they were never Israel's friend to start with. Not the government. The people may be, but the government's not. Then you find behind the scenes Biden and all that administration.

They, Oh, we're, we support Israel's right to defense, but we won't help them in their war other than just to defend them. Well, it's the same way with speaking in this time. The worst, the worst traitor of all is those that are silent. Silence becomes betrayal after a while. Do you know what caused the fall of man, Steve?

What caused the whole fall of man was Adam's silence. If you go back and look, the woman and the serpent was having this conversation. And when he got her to take of that fruit and eat, the scripture said in Genesis 3, that she turned to her husband with her and he did eat. He was standing there the whole time with his mouth shut.

He could have spoke up. The Bible said she was deceived. But he was not. He could have spoke up and stopped the fall of man the whole time. But silence is the worst betrayal of all. And that's where we are. Do you know that only 51 percent of the church is even planning on voting? Only 51 percent of the body of Christ is going to vote.

So 49 percent is silent. Now what, what is that? That is called an emissary of hell. That's all that's called. That's called betrayal. It's called betraying a nation that absolutely was founded on the Word of God, and that's what it's called. And we, we see Israel at war, the churches at war everything's on the verge of changing and the church is going to be silent.

So where does that leave us? I mean, it's Robin you know, I know we have this delay, so I'll get this question in, but I mean, it's, it's discouraging because you can't get ahold of someone and shake them loose. I don't know, you know, we're doing what we can, of course, you and me are doing what we can, but what is the solution?

Because we see brothers and sisters who I talked to someone a week or two ago, and he said, I don't care. You know, I don't care anymore. And I'm thinking, how can you not care? He's a believer. So, well, well, that's the point. They don't care. And, and see, that was Satan's plan the whole time. Do you know why, do you know why Christians die?

It's because Satan wore them out. He wore them down until their resistance was gone. And he, and, and he knows we're, we're people and we get older and we get tired. And after a while, but see, he's a spirit being, there's no fatigue in him. And the scripture says he seeks to wear out the saints. He strikes, strikes, strikes, strikes, nonstop, constant, nonstop, constantly he does.

And he seeks to wear you down until you say, well, I don't care. I don't care. Let me tell you where, where the solution is. Here's the solution. I'm just going to speak to you as a prophet. I didn't know you wanted me to tell that you stopped me a couple of times. You want me to say that

we are right here. Let's just say for a. Right here where I'm sitting, right here beside my head, picture a thin, a thin veil like. It's very thin and you can, you can see through it, but you don't know, you don't know it's there. It's real thin. There is a serpent. The spirit of the serpent is right there. And he's, and you can't see him, but he's right there.

The veil is that thin and it's that close and, and he's waiting to get in. He's just waiting on the opportunity. This is the fulfillment of all the ages. Either we push it over the top or the Antichrist comes in early. It's one of the two. And so, people say, well, this is not encouraging. It is if you're fighting.

You've got to stand in the Spirit. Do you know the power that you and I have in the Spirit? Now, if you think that this is not a spiritual occultic war, this is why you don't pick up guns and try to go change the nation. It's changed in the world of the Spirit. It's either won or lost there.

In the days inside us, what, where we are as the church,

when Adam, when Adam would go into a worship in the cool of the day, the King James calls it the cool of the day in Hebrew, it says he would go into a prophetic euphoric worship. He would start worshiping prophetically according to the destiny. That it was ahead of him. He could see all the way through time to a place where God's plan was fulfilled.

And he was going to replenish the earth and subdue it. And he would worship according to his destiny. And in that time, the Lord would come to him in that time. And they would walk together in this destiny. And he would speak to him about it. And he would talk to him about an event that he had to fight and put down.

Now you talk about it sounding negative. This is God talking to him. He says, you have dominion. You subdue the earth. You have dominion over the earth, over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air. What is he telling him? He's saying in this perfect world, there's something you've got to put down. Now, Steve, what was it?

Why in a perfect world did he tell him to subdue? Subdue it. It means put it under your feet. Put what under your feet? It is a plan that the enemy is trying to bring to pass. The seed of the serpent being pushed into the earth. Now I talk about this and I harp on this and I harp on this, but I've only got about 25 days left to do it before they, everybody votes.

We see, we see the top echelons of power come into play. And if you think this is ending, it's just heating up. We see the top echelons of the spirit world working with top officials. The W E F we watched as a shaman, which was brought on the stage of the W E F and coughing and spitting on them. That's really something to do in a world of COVID, isn't it?

They're, they're the very ones that push the mask and push all this. And yet they're letting some shaman, which spit on them, breathe on them. It think about that just a minute. And they're leaning into her face, no mask. And this is supposed to be in the world where disease is rampant, but they're letting this happen.

Then you see CERN doing what it's doing. Then you see the Gothard tunnel dedicated with the ceremony of Pan right before the pandemic happened. Then you see all of this stuff happening. Well, now this is not anything new. It keeps going. We get to Paris. Paris starts the Olympics, and you see the white horse of the apocalypse riding across the ocean with the flowing garment behind them.

They get there, and when they get there, the first thing they do is blaspheme the Last Supper with a table full of transgenders and, and some guy, a blue guy with a diaper laying in the middle of the table. And they're sinning in every indulgence they can, portraying Jesus and his disciples. We see it open with that France, but then we see we see transgenders going into competition in the Olympics.

Then we see the, the the, the closing ceremony where the pianos turned upside down and they begin to play the hymn. of Apollo. And while they're playing this hymn of Apollo, this golden creature comes down and meets the guy on the white horse and lets these hordes loose that raise a portal out of hell and hang it up in the Olympic rings.

And the scripture said in the Greek, his name is Apollo. And that was a Grecian games called the Olympics. Then on top of all of that, then you start seeing this hurricane form that everybody says is man made. And They start talking about being manmade. It's more manmade than they realize. It happened bigger than they think, because I'm not at liberty to say till I have the facts, but it was brought to my attention last night that two years ago, there was a big fashion show where people trudge through the mud and mud slides and everything.

And it looked like kind of that event. And then it looked like zombies walking through it. And then you then watch this. Then you see what is the last hurricane? Was it Milton? Was that what they call? Milton, did you see the, did you see the eye of it? Did you see the eye of that? Yeah, I mean, I see what it looks like.

No, I didn't see what it looks like. Oh, if they had a picture of that. Oh, if they had a picture of that, they ought to put it up. It's a demon from hell and you can see it, the whole face of the profile of this thing, and it's, they gave it a name, but get this. All at once for no reason. This thing had a mind of its own and the hurricane Helen was first.

Then this thing comes along and crosses it the other direction. Has a mind of its own, but here's what they did. Suddenly we find out that the plane that goes up and flies into the eye of the hurricane, they took the ashes of a dead man and poured it into the eye of the hurricane. Are you kidding me?

They offered it a sacrifice. They offered it the ashes of a man, put it in the eye of that thing. They said, Oh, he was a, he was a meteorologist and, and he chased these hurricanes and they took No, no, that's, that's not the one. It's like you've got the one radar closer. More of a closeup one or something.

Oh, my good. Oh, it's not, oh, if you can find it, I will show was, it wasn't much closer view. It was a closer picture of the eye. Oh, it, yeah. And it, it was on radar. It wasn't anything. That's something, but we don't have time to get into it, but when you see it, then then it, this guy, they said was a storm chaser all of his life.

They stood around with a ceremony in the middle of that hurricane and poured the ashes of a dead man into its eye. And when it did, that thing went crazy. Just crazy. And, and you think it's not a cultic, all the well those people, they one newscaster said it was a beautiful thing. Does, does that even sound feasible?

It doesn't, it sounds stupid and why, you know, in a natural, some ashes flying in with there's that kind of powerful wind would have zero effect, but not if it's a cultic, it would have a huge effect. They say, well, those people, they probably just meant to honor his memory as a storm chaser. Well, I don't care what anybody says or does.

Satan knew that was a, that was an offering of a human corpse into the eye, that thing, and that thing, Steve was as it's more man made than people realize. And you know, I was the first hurricane that came through, I was sitting at a farm and I was studying and doing, and the Lord let me know. He said, what you're seeing is, is there was a war council called in Atlanta, Georgia, by hell itself, a war council was called by Satan.

And when those demons left all those posts and headed toward Atlanta. It's it calls that first one. Now, see if we can send them the picture, see if we can send them. John said he sent it to you. Okay. Is that the one you sent them? No. Okay. Okay. Not that guy. Anyway, we, we sent it to you. Okay. Yeah. We, we sent it.

And, but anyway, it, it calls that first one and look at the death and chaos. It caused my point being is, is that. That down broke in the Carolinas, all that happened in Georgia, everything. Now, where was the big voter fraud at Georgia? This is where it's all happening. And these demonic hordes met and they, they occupied states back before.

I mean, it was overcast when coming out of the West. Everything was just total chaotic. Then right on the heels of it, this Milton comes along and they pour a dead man's ashes into its eye. And then on top of that, Netanyahu was talking about. When Hamas, and you can see it in his face. There it is. Yeah.

That's a, that's a face in the form of a cloud and what in the swirl, there's a nose and a mouth. Gee. And there's his eye. Yeah. Right. That's what they named Milton. And that's what they poured the ashes into that eye. Why would you do that? Well, we just wanted to honor it. Why would you do that?

And so, and so then Netanyahu said this, remember this, now this is something, and I know I'm just probably jumping around here, but he said this, he said, when Hamas came across that border on October 7th, you could see it in his face. He said, now watch Steve. He said, they, they slaughtered the people. They killed the people.

They burned them alive. They burned children alive. They raped the women. They mutilated them. Then they they killed children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children. They did all this stuff. They would rape people in front of their families. And then they started dragging people across the border into the tunnels.

But get this. Then they drug dead bodies into the tunnel. Why would you drag dead bodies into the tunnels? Dead bodies. Are you going to drag them into the tunnels and just smell them and let them rot? Why would you take a corpse? And Netanyahu said, why would you take a corpse hostage? Steve, this is bigger than people think.

It's a cultic. The Lord told me this. He said, and I remember I gave this prophetic word. He said Hezbollah. He said, I, I never, I never knew you. He said, Hamas, the demon. He said, I know you. And so then the other day, CBN was showing. Where they had went through the tunnels a couple of years ago, and as they went through the Lord said, watch this and it had to be God.

And as they went down the tunnel and turned, I saw an eye on the side of the wall and I stopped and rewound it. I looked again, it's going so quick. And I managed to stop it on the eye and it was just in the rock. And Steve, it was the face of Milton, that hurricane on that wall formed in that rock and that tunnel.

It's the same spirit. It's the same spirit causing all the destruction in the world. And the body of Christ, like Adam, is told, subdue it, put it under your feet, put it down. Don't let this thing have control. But the church don't believe in the supernatural anymore. They don't hardly believe in it anymore.

And so they just let things, you talk to them about prophets, they don't believe in prophets. You talk to them about the power of healing, we don't believe in healing. You talk to, and the proof is they're ordaining, they'll ordain homosexuals in their pulpits. They stand up for abortion. They, they, they condone everything that comes down the pike.

And they only have a form of godliness. A lot of the church, and you ask them, I want to ask them, why do you even have church? God's not there. He's not visiting you except to tell you to repent. So why are you even having church? And then, then it comes down to this. Israel's fighting for their very survival, their very existence.

Why do you think America's not? Why would we not think America's fighting for its very existence this time? Israel's fighting for theirs. America's fighting for theirs. This is it. This is the, the crisis of the age. It's the inflection point that, and that word keeps showing up and showing up. There's, we either win this one or it spirals to hell.

There's just, Elon Musk said, you either win this election or you won't get an opportunity for another one. What's going on? I had a prophet come to me and Gatlinburg, no, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. And he walked up to me. This was a couple years ago. He said, I saw Air Force One fly in upside down. It turned upside down and it went into the trees and went down into a stream and crashed.

And he began to tell me this dream he had. And I knew what it meant immediately. They never plan on there being another president. See right now there's no president. This is party ruled. It's no president. Everybody knows that. And if it goes the wrong way this time, there won't be another one. The nation would go into, the Lord told me this, he said.

It would be 70 years before it turns back to this point in time where you could do it again. Robin, can I ask you a question? There is no option. Is there going, you know, you had one time talked about what was needed or what would be required to wake some people up because you could show them, they could look at it, and nothing would wake them up.

The only thing that would wake them up was a foreign invasion. And I mean, do we need something? Yeah. That's in the, yeah, well this is, you know, this is what the Lord told me and he You're talking about the art of war. Yeah. Subversion. You know, subversion begins with demoralization. Once it's a, once a nation is demoralized, it takes 15 to 20 years.

It takes three college graduation classes. Are eras to, to accomplish demoralization. That's why you see newscasters right now on secular news that just stare with their mouth open and nothing affects them. They're demoralized. They're demoralized. They, they, they believe all the lie, everything they, that's how Obama can do what he does and he thinks he's doing what he's supposed to do.

It's demoralization, it's complete. You know when the, when they say when somebody's demoralized, you can show it to 'em in black and white. You can show 'em pictures of a Soviet concentration camp. This was what was said in those days. Yuri Bezhnikov, I think, was the one who told it. He said that was part of his job, is to cause, overthrow nations without a, a war.

And he said when they get to that point, you can show them pictures of a Soviet concentration camp and they couldn't even see it. They wouldn't even recognize it. They just, they just look at it, but it never dawned on them what happened. And he said, when, when that comes. He said once that takes place, that takes 15 to 20 years, then you move into the next phase, which is destabilization.

That means they organize every group they can, LGBTQ, BLM, it makes no difference, any group they can organize. To riot, to cause destabilization. Once destabilization starts, they try to bring a crisis on the scene. And when they, a crisis is anything that can make a crisis, COVID, anything they can do to make a crisis.

And once they bring a crisis on this, on the scene, they said that takes about, oh, about six months after it's destabilized, destabilization takes five years after that six months to crisis. But once it's. Taken root, the only thing that'll break a crisis and the next stage is going into normalization. And Yuri said this, he said when Comrade Brezhnev took over Czechoslovakia, he said when they moved into the normalization stage was when the Soviet tanks rolled down the streets.

And he said brotherly Czechoslovakia has been normalized. Well, think about it where they're talking, this is where, this is what's happening. And so during the crisis, they tried to start talking about a new normalization, remember normal, a new normal. Well, at that point in crisis, the only thing that'll keep you out of the final stage, this is what he said.

This is what Sun Tzu said, who wrote the art of war. He said, it's either, it's either a civil war or a foreign invasion. It's the only thing will break it. Only thing will break you out of it. See when Grenada was done that way, we were the foreign invaders that freed Grenada, the United States. The Lord told me this, he said, since there's not going to be a civil war, he said, I will invade from heaven and save the nation.

So the foreign invasion we're looking at is him in revival from heaven. That video y'all showed is the first, is first stages of this. That's revival. Yeah. People speaking out, people doing, people calling on God, people praying, people doing this. This is why I keep harping on pastors speak. It's the time of the pastor.

We have to speak. Pastors must go in and speak. Now your congregations will follow if you will lead. Yeah. And so that's the only thing that's going to break this thing. And you have less than a month to do it. And so people say, well, this is not an exciting message. I wonder if Adam looked at God when he said, subdue the earth and Adam, I wonder if he looked at him and said, this is a paradise Lord that you, this is really a bummer, you've just got me down telling me I've got to subdue the earth.

He knew there was an enemy out there that had to be put down and Adam chose not to put him down. So you're right back to the place of choice. God has provided the power, He's provided the way out, He's provided everything, but the spiritual warfare is in the arena of choice. So we have to choose now. And what will be the choice?

We have to choose. We have to choose to speak. The only thing the government's afraid of, or any government's afraid of, is the church. If the church comes in solidarity together, it says, we're going, we're not having it. We're going to have revival. If the church had a came together during COVID and said, we're not going to have COVID.

Y'all do what you want to. We're not having it. We're not shutting our doors. It wouldn't have worked. You'd been amazed how fast it went away. You'd just been amazed. So anyway, I realize it don't sound. Well, they've, they've tried a couple of times to reintroduce the next phase. And people seem to have finally gotten that right where they're saying we're not going to do that again.

We're not going to put on masks, but it, and I'm glad that we've gotten to that point, but it feels like at the same time, they're going to say, no, we're not going to do that. That it feels like demoralization has set in with so many, you know, that's what this brother I was talking about. I said, what do you mean you don't care?

How could you not care? I don't care. I just don't care. And, and in this case, the brother said, I feel like I sinned. I made a, I made an idol out of Trump the first time. And that was a sin. And now I don't care anymore. It's like, how did you get from that? Oh my goodness. Yeah. I don't know. Oh my goodness.

You know, I want to say this and I know this has been a solemn program, you know, that we're talking about this stuff, but here's where we are. If you don't care, during that four stages of subversion that we talked about, this is what else Uri said. He said, they can't see it once they're demoralized. Even if you hold a picture of it, you can't see it.

You, they can't see it. You know what he said? He said, the only time they see it is when a military boot crashes, their fat bottoms. That was what he said. He said, when all at once a military boot steps in and they realize their nation has been overthrown is it as when they see it and that's too late. And he said, that's the danger of it.

That's what I mean. See, we woke up. God didn't send COVID to, to wake up the church. Staten sent COVID to kill it. Yeah. The church woke up being smothered to death in its sleep and woke up fighting. To wake up. Now we, okay, we say we're not wearing the mask anymore. We're doing all that. But COVID's already happened.

Yeah. If you wait, if somebody says, I don't care about the election, I don't care. Really? Okay. Well, when will you care? Would you care if suddenly the United States wasn't the United States you had ever known before in your whole life? Let me tell you where that comes from. I was, let me ask you this, this part is a pardon for the delay.

It's kind of hard to, to make this flow when we're true, but the, I, this, he didn't come out and say it, but I think he inferred it that. He feels like the rapture's imminent. Let's just, I don't care anymore. He's coming to take us out of here. That's what I think he's saying, but he didn't want to say it, but I think that's what he was saying.

And so that imminent return made him lazy, made him not care because he's not throwing out God. He's just saying, I don't care. I think he's saying it's over. It's over. That's what I think he's saying. God's coming back.

Well, what that is, is a shirking of responsibility. Let me, let me tell you what happened in a vision I had one time, Steve. Okay. And I've never forgotten this. And I don't know if you know what a strip pit is. I don't know if you've ever been around that world. Okay. It's called surface mining. We, we, we surface mine and down here in Alabama, I, I worked in the mines from the time I was like 17, 18 years old.

I worked in the strip mines. We call them strip mine. And what it amounts to is you. You blow a big square in the ground, you blow it out with dynamite, you load it out with loaders and it's right down on top of the coal. Then when you load it out, you get the coal up. Well, it leaves a big cut inside a mountain.

It leaves a big cut and sometimes they'll fill up with water and all that, but it leaves this big hole in the ground, big square hole. And I'll never forget this one time. I had a night vision. It was too vivid to be a dream. And I looked up now, this was years ago before COVID. And I looked up Steve and, and coming down into this cut, this strip pit looking cut, we were down in it.

A bunch of us with our back to the wall, to the high wall, the back wall. And coming down into it on this little road was all these soldiers that looked like Chinese soldiers. They were dressed like Vietnamese soldiers. They, and, and they were pouring into that cut coming down into that hole. I was there.

I had on a like a, a sand colored tactical vest. I was, I was dirty. I had, I had a, a rifle that I know now was like a, an AR style rifle. I didn't know what it was back then. Yeah. And I, and I had this 45 I know, I didn't even know the kind of pistol I had. But around me in the cut, Steve, was like 18 year old boys, and they were just fine young men, and they were being slaughtered.

I mean slaughtered, brother. Bullets were flying everywhere. One of them was impaled on a pole stuck up against the wall. And this one young man, he was just such a good looking young boy. And I saw him when he was hit and he went down and he was scared. He was scared. And miraculously, I wasn't hit. And I remember my rifle would fire so fast.

It was the best weapon I had. And I ran out of ammo and I pulled the sidearm. And when I would shoot it, it would take an enemy and just blow them backward. And I saw this young man fall and they were everywhere. And I ran to him and I knelt down beside him and I picked his head up. You could see it on his face.

You could see he was wounded. He was scared. He was looking at me in the eye. I was trying my best to save his life and they were everywhere just being slaughtered. And I looked up beside me and there was these glass patio doors and it surprised me in my dream and my vision. I thought, what is this? And I stepped up to the door and slid the door open.

Now remember, I'm sweaty, covered in dirt, I'd been in a war. And I look inside this room, and these people are dressed in, it reminded me of the old Star Trek dress. It was a military, but it was really neat. It was neat, it was blue, it was, it was really cool. I'm sweating. Like, I don't know what, and I looked in the room and I stood with my foot straddling the patio door.

And I looked in the room and they're all drinking tea. They had these little white cups and they were drinking tea. And I looked at them, they had this praise music playing this modern praise music, and I looked at the scene and I looked back out into that cut where those young people were just being slaughtered.

And I looked at them and I thought, what are you doing? And they said, Oh, come in and kneel down with us. You know, the rapture is going to happen and we'll be out of here. Just kneel down and pray with us. And we'll drink. They were drinking their tea. And I'm looking out there at this whole generation dying and I'm looking back at them and I, I started to kneel and I stopped and I said, they said, what's wrong?

I said, I don't even know if we should be doing this. And they started laughing. And I woke up. Whoa. Now, you can't really take but one thing from that vision. There is a war happening out here. And they're dying like flies. And if you could see the little face on that young man, he was a good looking young man, just about 18.

And I've got a son older than that, and I'm just, I'm trying to save him. I'm trying to fight, I'm trying, and they're over here drinking tea saying the Lord is going to come. Oh man, help us out. Come on in here and shut the door. I just, I feel like it's a real prevalent thing. Yeah, go ahead. Well, no, go ahead, brother.

That's what I'm saying. That's what I just heard when you said that. Yeah, that's gonna come. That's huge. Just that it's like, it's like the closer people believe that this thing is, it's here. This is as bad as it's gonna get. This is what some famous preacher, I can't think of his name right now who said, I hate to tell you this folks, but we lose Christians.

We lose on this earth. And, and he's, he's a strong rapture believer. Of course, we all believe we're going to be raptured one day, but he believes it's over. It's so bad. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to tell you something. It can get much worse. People think, Oh, this is as bad as it gets. No, no, it could get much worse than this.

That's why we can't let it. Yeah. That's why on our watch, we have to stand up just like in that vision. I was in the middle of that fight. I was out there fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. That's so good. And I look over here and they're drinking tea. They don't even have any dirt on their uniforms.

Well, I think, Robin, I think there's a, a. A feeling, I don't know, because I, I, the theology I grew up with was similar, although it came from the Seventh day Adventist side, that, that, but it was, eventually, basically they, their, their view is that God is pleased if we're just continuing to trust Him to the moment He gets us out of here.

If we just trust Him, that's all we're asked to do, is trust Him no matter how much, if they take our lives, trust Him. And that's a, that's a, a huge giving up approach to the rapture, if you will. That, that, the rapture don't excuse you from, from standing. That don't excuse you from standing. The scripture says, Occupy till I come.

We're supposed to stand. Yeah. Let me, let me, Oh, this would, this would just flip the tables over what I'm about to say, but

being born again, according to the scripture, this is going to come as some startling news to people, but being born again, according to the scripture, don't guarantee you the rapture that guarantees you heaven being born again, promises you and guarantees you heaven. The scripture said it's those who are written in the book of remembrance that he comes secretly to take.

There's a whole different thing. That's a whole different thing. There's a different, whole different set of things going on here. And, and our job is, is to be a victorious church and resist the Antichrist on our watch. And then when, when he's done and we've resisted it on our watch, he said that they'll come, I'll call you out.

But when you leave, he hadn't come yet. And then when he takes you out, then he can come. But if he gets in here before you're gone, what, where was we victorious at? Where they they've got it. It's just twisted up. Yeah, no, I mean, what, what, what it

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