Henry Talking with Clarence Pierce, CEO of Hamilton Community Network

20 days ago

Henry Hatter talks with Clarence Piercem CEO of Hamilton Community Health Network . Hamilton Community Health Network provides health care for people in much of South East Michigan .Looking for quality, comprehensive healthcare? Hamilton Community Health Network has you covered! From adult and pediatric primary care to dentistry, OB-GYN, mental health, podiatry, pharmacy, and vision services, we’re here for your whole family. Need language assistance? We’ve got that too! Plus, enjoy 24/7 provider access and after-hours support. Call us anytime at (810) 406-HCHN (4246) to get the care you deserve. Your health is our priority! #Healthcare #CommunityCare #HCHN . https://hamiltonchn.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAouG5BhDBARIsAOc08RQg-F6LcWu5jVn_FkBEZACU8G15jK9zDzS4VgM_H-86mXdRoAMkeMEaAldNEALw_wcB

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