TheDimStream LIVE! Happy Halloween! (Movies Listed in Description)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!

Trick 'r Treat (2007) | Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) | Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) | Don't Turn Out the Lights (2024)

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JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Halloween 🎃
"No, I will not use your preferred pronouns. I would like to opt out of engaging in another man's fetish, kthxbai."

Qriist Supporter+ kthxbai = verbal gang sign, obvi. 🤏 ✌️ 👌 🤙 🤘

Qriist Supporter+ I often tell obnoxious trans activists that I do not share their religion.

Qriist Supporter+ They do not like that.

Qriist Supporter+ botches be crazy

Qriist Supporter+ bitches*, even

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist "Botches" is a good slur for post-op trans-people

Qriist Supporter+ lmfao

Qriist Supporter+ using that from now of

Qriist Supporter+ on*

Qriist Supporter+ god i cunt type today

Qriist Supporter+ I don't like Gravity Falls.

JQuickDraw Supporter So do you like King's Castle Rock universe? I don't know if it's all official, but I think he drops hints in his books that all the stories are tied into the same town.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol Sleazy creeper voice Beverly is one of my favorite Beverlies.

JQuickDraw Supporter The way you feel about Skaarsgard (spelling? Fuck the Norse), that's how I felt about Paquin when Trick r' Treat came out.

JQuickDraw Supporter That hat is worthy of R J McCready.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol

JQuickDraw Supporter I feel so judged right now lol

JQuickDraw Supporter So you're saying I need to perv on a better class of women, Beverly?

purpletiger69 This discussing shows reminds me of drama class. I am a thespian in the Thespian society but I took drama mostly to get out of real school work.

purpletiger69 plus Thespian society was an honor society so I got a special seal on my diploma and got to wear a sash during graduation and feel smart

purpletiger69 I know it was real work I am just kidding

purpletiger69 Biology botany and zoology were my favorite classes
OakPoke Supporter+ I think racism is bad. give me an A plus
OakPoke Supporter+ I compared taxation to chattel slavery. my liberal professor didn't care for it.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke You forgot to mention sexism and trans-phobia. That's an F and a mandatory DEI White-is-Bad-Always class.

JQuickDraw Supporter Uh, Spider-Man wins easy. Pick a better debate topic, please.
OakPoke Supporter+ absolutely jquick

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, how can you expect a brave, empowered trans woman to teach differently abled interpretive dancing spaces from indigenous perspectives WITHOUT a community college degree?

JQuickDraw Supporter The craziest, most intense argument my friend group had in high school was during lunch in the cafeteria, over whether Superman flying over a wheat field would snap the wheat stalks or not.

JQuickDraw Supporter There were fists slamming into the table, food being thrown, screaming, hand waving, you name it.
OakPoke Supporter+ lmao on supermarket. debate
OakPoke Supporter+ superman*
OakPoke Supporter+ for more diversity points
OakPoke Supporter+ Big recommendation. Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh wow!!!!
OakPoke Supporter+ 👍

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin
OakPoke Supporter+ got it bookmarked
OakPoke Supporter+ Nice tricorn hat btw
OakPoke Supporter+ I had an important USB fail..m a USB. for real... glad I backed it up on a couple other drives
OakPoke Supporter+ I think we played Oregon trail on true floppies in first or second grade

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke I never tried it on a USB drive, but Spinrite has never failed me yet.
OakPoke Supporter+ I couldn't get the info off the USB. memory says maybe a chip died... I spent a long time out if curiosity
OakPoke Supporter+ I've recovered a lot of data using Rsync
OakPoke Supporter+ sounds like the needle was stuck and you got lucky. got the arm moving again, nice
OakPoke Supporter+ well I am looking and wondering... I think rsync, and" dd if"... but if
OakPoke Supporter+ Oops... I mean I'm not certain... there was some good linux tools and I was able to get 99 plus percent off of a failed spinning disc drive

JQuickDraw Supporter Ha, I have 5.25 floppy drives, and also ZIP and Jazz disk drives.
OakPoke Supporter+ had I known those tools existed I wouldn't have taken apart even older drives that I'd lost loads of my pictures on. oh well
OakPoke Supporter+ found it. " ddrescue " isn't great tool

JQuickDraw Supporter I always buy the physical media for movies and music. It's an instant back-up to the digital version and protects against the modern woke tendency to rewrite/tamper with older stuff.
OakPoke Supporter+ it IS a great tool
OakPoke Supporter+ True
OakPoke Supporter+ ddrescue is a great linux tool. probably exists for windows too, idk

JQuickDraw Supporter One last ditch effort to rescue the data off a dead/dying HDD is to place it in the freezer for a few hours. When you take it out, chances are good you'll be able to access it for a couple of hours.
OakPoke Supporter+ If it's stuck the expansion and contraction can help. I've never been so lucky
OakPoke Supporter+ Shoot. gotta crash. good night and God bless

JQuickDraw Supporter You reminded me of something with your forgotten encryption password. There are probably billions of dollars lost forever on the bitcoin blockchain, because people forgot their password/key phrases.

MudderFetcher I've returned from the Monster Hunter beta with terrifying tales of it running like ass and crashing r+ghost

JQuickDraw Supporter So you drank a slice of pumpkin pie, basically.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Yes, with burbon.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator *bourbon

MudderFetcher oh that Prometheus run from the falling spaceship is something else lol

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I am referring to that, yes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Anyone who's watched cartoons as a kid knows not to run in the same direction that an object is falling, or else it will pound you into the ground like a nail.

MudderFetcher the cats and I have been illegally performing Alex's play on Saturday nights

MudderFetcher Microsoft Word is 41 years-old as of today

MudderFetcher saw that earlier and it made me sad lmao

MudderFetcher Happy Halloween! r+pumpkin r+pumpkinwow r+pumpkinsmile r+ghost r+potion r+skull

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