TheDimNews LIVE: The Devastation of Hurricane Helene | VP Debates, Probably

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.

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JQuickDraw Supporter 1st

JQuickDraw Supporter You got the thumbnail to work in Discord, now you're starting the stream less than 10 minute slate. What's going on? Someone bought a self-help book :)

JQuickDraw Supporter See, I can show up on time when I'm given proper information. Just saying.

JQuickDraw Supporter "What's with the cookies?""Oh, Some of my friends are dicks."

Guyinroom83 First. Wait am I late

Guyinroom83 I feel like Amy poehler was probably super pro Hillary

thrasybulus Let me guess, I'm late, but no news yet.

Guyinroom83 Was this a recent show?

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Joke's on you, they covered the news first tonight. Nothing but goose stories from here on out.

Guyinroom83 the most loved character is the only non leftist... go figure!

Guyinroom83 also feel free to send me any extra food erl

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw I guess they can skip ahead to the Stripaerobics review @Winky paid for.

Guyinroom83 that is a batshit insane lie that before 2020 or so, would've killed a campaign

Guyinroom83 howard dean was ruined by just yelling loud once

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, I unironically aspire to achieve a level of apathetic ignorance of current events that even somewhat approaches yours.

Guyinroom83 some of us cant afford to be 'apathetic' bc... democracy is literally at stake and existential threat etc etc so how dare you.

thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 Howard Dean's campaign was ruined by a Hardball interview.

Guyinroom83 dont remember that @thras

Guyinroom83 iff you're online, how are you ignoring news though? even on reddit current stories pop up

Guyinroom83 even on linkedin news stories come up. all depressing ones.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well, you seem to not care because you're blackpilled. I hope we can move you to the clown pill, and we can all enjoy the sleigh ride into the apocalypse.

thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 He went on and Chris Matthews nailed him for getting out of Vietnam for 'back problems' then spending the next five years as a construction laborer and ski instructor.

thrasybulus His response repeatedly on if he was dodging the draft "I didn't want to go to Vietnam."

thrasybulus It was early 03.

Guyinroom83 ah ok. he was too honest

Guyinroom83 im all for spending all our money on illegal immigrants and foreign wars instead of fllood victims, personally

thrasybulus Maybe early 04 now that I think about it. I remember talking to someone in my class about it the next day. We had seperately decided he ended his run on that show.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's pronounced "Hurricane Hee-LEE-nay." At least, that's how I say it, and then I watch grammar autists try to control their eye twitching. :r+rickroll:

JQuickDraw Supporter 94 deaths. Wow. That's almost as many as the number of cops who were beaten to death on Jan 6.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's almost like the weather is cycling through rougher and calmer periods. Nah, what was I thinking???

thrasybulus Kam chat ka

JQuickDraw Supporter All you need to know is that the single greatest source of carbon pollution is the military, larger than the next several below it on the list. If they were SERIOUS, they would protest the wars.

thrasybulus Here is amorphous problem. Here is 'solution'. Surprise it makes me richer and more powerful, all the while making you less.

JQuickDraw Supporter I should have said larger than the next several on the list combined.

thrasybulus I'm surprised Cali had voter id requirements.

thrasybulus Ah, barring local governments.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus They're neo-feudalists. They truly believe they should rule and not have to work or compete. They think they are superior, like political Calvinists.

Guyinroom83 veneers

Guyinroom83 veneers

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw What's the term, the elect or the select?

Guyinroom83 is he even more hatable than trudeau? he might be

Guyinroom83 tons of celebs have them. miley cyrus doees

Guyinroom83 hunter biden does

Guyinroom83 miley cyrus's look fake

Guyinroom83 wasnt she super SJW

Guyinroom83 oh nvm, different person

JQuickDraw Supporter She married a cop. Hey-yo! But seriously, she married another woman. Someone stop me.
OakPoke Supporter+ Hey ladies and fellas

thrasybulus Does @BeverlyWannabeHillbilly need reading glasses?

thrasybulus Why is the guy who thinks the world is overpopulated in favor of vaccines?
OakPoke Supporter+ Andrew Wakefield made me a vaccine skeptic.
OakPoke Supporter+ Bill gates says if you threaten his profit margin, off with your head

JQuickDraw Supporter We need to get everyone on decentralized, distributed networks asap. No oversight, no possibilty for the government to shut it down.

thrasybulus Union head totally not mobbed up.
OakPoke Supporter+ The Iron from China tends to be garbage btw. it would be a blessing to ban foreign iron/steel
OakPoke Supporter+ thrasy he does sound like a mobster lmao
OakPoke Supporter+ Slave labor is cheaper than rural red state dirt cheap labor as well...

thrasybulus @OakPoke He literally got out of fed charges when a co-defendent who flipped ended up dead. Found rotting in a trunk.
OakPoke Supporter+ Mexican labor in America is nearly as bad as Mexico too.. the trash I saw In California...
OakPoke Supporter+ Thrasy. Lol wild. Real mob hours. interesting
OakPoke Supporter+ They do replace drivers with migrants. retarded Indians driving off the road here and Somalis driving onto frozen lakes and the semi falling through
OakPoke Supporter+ restaurant workers pushed a union onto a restaurant over here. they lasted 2 months before it went under...

thrasybulus Striking laborers encourages automation.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh shit, I gotta stock up on Ukrainian brides ASAP.

JQuickDraw Supporter When I was young, the first time I heard that phrase - "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" - I replied "Or replaced." The adults were NOT happy lol.
OakPoke Supporter+ sorry. falling through the ice. Guy thought he was taking a short cut...
OakPoke Supporter+ Dance or updated workout videos

thrasybulus "The nail that sticks up gets hammered" is a sying.

Guyinroom83 i thought village was a little easier than 7 actually

Guyinroom83 it also had nice auto aim, which prob helped a lot

Guyinroom83 erls camera does not want her in focus.

Guyinroom83 i played one of the dlc's for 7, that was pretty hard. you're the like brother of the main guy

Guyinroom83 i heard thenew boys season is weird and bad
OakPoke Supporter+ also, "If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

Guyinroom83 this girl looks like she'll be reasonable.
OakPoke Supporter+ just removed a large tree frog from my kitchen. that's what I get for leaving the sliding glass door open
OakPoke Supporter+ Low iq swears too much

Guyinroom83 fuck i hate tik tok. it's all preachy bullshit

Guyinroom83 wtf?
OakPoke Supporter+ When I log onto tiktok my feed is filled with milfs and car stuff. Rarely I see a pro trump video. somewhat based on what one likes

Guyinroom83 man that wasterrible

Guyinroom83 just say 'always vote dem no matter what' and dont make the video

thrasybulus When @HoboEater complained about it lasting too long at the 40 second mark...

Guyinroom83 looks like the girl from the movie brave

Guyinroom83 no girl looks good with a lot of makeup

JQuickDraw Supporter Without makeup she looks good, with makeup she looks like a tranny. That's quite a talent.

Guyinroom83 yea i wouldn't have guessed this is the same person

thrasybulus Zachary Levi or Chuck as most people remember him.

Guyinroom83 the shazam guy was also critical of the vax wasn't he?
OakPoke Supporter+ Billy the Shazam guy? I heard Shazam and thought it was the Shaq genie movie
OakPoke Supporter+ Bring back Ron popeil. set it. and forget it. 4 easy payments of 19.99

Guyinroom83 yeah, super weird

Guyinroom83 its all the makeup, its bad. drag queen esque

thrasybulus @TheGinger knows all the other gingers.

Guyinroom83 whats the doc's name
OakPoke Supporter+ she's 40 wow. still think of Avril as late teens early 20s. can't imagine her performing skater Boi.

Guyinroom83 i heard the new boys is too on the nose and they vocally said the show isnt for maga people or something
OakPoke Supporter+ It was cool, tree frog wise. I love toads and tree frogs. there are regular frogs but they're rare.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's Hyperbeam

Guyinroom83 yea ii use sticky notes all the time

JQuickDraw Supporter I have all my login info in a password manager, so I looked under the H's.

Guyinroom83 bill mays was oxiclean. he died really weirdly, he hit his head, then later died from it

JQuickDraw Supporter I liked the Sham-Wow dude. He looked strung out, like a cocaine fiend.

Guyinroom83 he got busted from getting a prostitute or something @JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Yeah I remember that. It only made me like him more lol.

thrasybulus Cutlery Corner does good qvc style infomercials.

Guyinroom83 i think the dell computer guy gotin trouble just for getting weed

thrasybulus Crap knives generally though.

Guyinroom83 lol. ok idk how I heard it was just from hitting his head. what a BS story
OakPoke Supporter+ Oxiclean guy was cool... I did like Ron Poeil. He's the earliest infomercial guy I remember. I wanted the food dehydrator as a kid
OakPoke Supporter+ Jared was probably the cousin of the advertising guy

JQuickDraw Supporter "Any job can be a career." "Oh yeah? What about a stalker?" "Private detective." "And a rowdy brawler?" "Bouncer." "Assassin." "Sniper." "Rapist. Ha! Gotcha." "TSA." "Damnit."

Guyinroom83 actually before jared was the subway guy, he owned a porn video store or something

Guyinroom83 yeah maybe doing characters is smarter than just a real person. or pedo.

Guyinroom83 there was even a caveman sitcom

Guyinroom83 on like abc or something

Guyinroom83 i only had subway like once since that scandal lol

Guyinroom83 it made me disgusted with the company too

Guyinroom83 their meat is tasteless

Guyinroom83 no jersey mikes is really good
OakPoke Supporter+ mmm loved Sunway

Guyinroom83 maybe you got a bad batch

JQuickDraw Supporter If I really feel like a sandwich, it's either a real deli or not at all.

thrasybulus Pineapple, the other acid attack.

thrasybulus So the more you bid, the greater your odds?

thrasybulus Ethnically ambiguous is good for tv commerciacials these days.

thrasybulus Assassin can be paid, not necessarily though.

Guyinroom83 tsa is total idiocracy

Guyinroom83 useless jobs

Guyinroom83 they covered for it for awhile

Guyinroom83 subway seemed to not investigate him for a little while. im not totally clear. mainly I don't eat there bc it sucks

Guyinroom83 in that case, I heard Erl did loooots of bad shit.

thrasybulus I've known enough people who've worked at subway to know not to eat at subway.

thrasybulus Assassin originates as a name for a muslim cult that used hashish to brainwash people into committing murder for them.
OakPoke Supporter+ Thrasy why not subway?
OakPoke Supporter+ Black subway employees refused to serve me and a pal 20 years ago...they claimed to be closed at 8:20pm.

thrasybulus @OakPoke Just that the buddies I've had who've worked at subway told people not to eat there.

Qriist Supporter We still hire mercenaries, we just call them contractors these days.

Qriist Supporter yes

thrasybulus Contractors can be the person making food or doing laundry. They can also be full on combat people.

Qriist Supporter Blackwater is one famous example of military contrators doing combat positions.

Qriist Supporter I didn't have a problem with the reddit post itself, it was the commentors

Qriist Supporter what I wrote in discord:

Qriist Supporter hundreds of comments sperging because a Christian Door Dasher communicated their beliefs. Leaving a personal note of any kind would have never occurred to me if I was doing deliveries but, apparently,
OakPoke Supporter+ lmao ferral is an idiot

Qriist Supporter apparently, it is not at all uncommon for Door Dashers to leave a thank you note or candy or whatever. In that context, this is mundane and harmless.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Okay. My point was mostly people ideas of mercenaries as being bad for not fighting for patriotism.

thrasybulus One trip to Thailand might convince him otherwise.

thrasybulus There is a time and place for prosletizing, you need to know when and where that is.

JQuickDraw Supporter That note is someone being nice. I would be confused if a Christian quoted Sam Harris while trying to be nice, or tried to quote someone I like. Throwing it away is just a flick of the wrist lol.

Qriist Supporter My mine gripe is the people saying you're "forcing" beliefs by including a stupid Bible verse

Qriist Supporter mine=main

thrasybulus Glitter aka Craft Herpies.

thrasybulus You spent $ on a card. I'd rather have the $.

Guyinroom83 yea i don't really get cards nearly as much anymore, if I do it's for a parent

Qriist Supporter It's one thing to roll your eyes and toss the verse, it's another to to spaz out because your echo chamber was very slightly pierced

Guyinroom83 @Qriist i totally agree and it was a very tame bible verse, not preachy
OakPoke Supporter+ yes, people don't freak out about a line from the Asian cookie fortune... Christians are compelled to evangelize. it's America.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Would you have the same reaction if it was a Pride flag, etc?

thrasybulus I have a relative that has to give a card. I've told them I don't like cards and would rather have the money spent on the card. They won't stop giving me cards though.

Qriist Supporter @AlexofAllTrades yes. I've tossed a ton of random pride bullshit that's shown up in my mail.

Qriist Supporter I'm in DC so it's fucking EVERYWHERE during June

Qriist Supporter Beverly would overdose on rainbows here in the summer

JQuickDraw Supporter If such a note is sufficiently unhinged, I might actually save it. I have a small stash of Chick Tracts I collected over the years.

thrasybulus Rainbows are for skittles.

Guyinroom83 i mean, I don't think the doordashers should be leaving info about their wedding, or bible verses. But I'll take a bible verse any day over any leftist ideology thing

Qriist Supporter Again, I think it's weird that people leave any kind of notes in their deliveries. Even a thank you note is strange.

thrasybulus Free nipslip with hooters delivery.

Guyinroom83 making a reddit post is too much. i wouldnt do that for a pride flag, or bible thing

Guyinroom83 unless it was very forced and totalitarian

Qriist Supporter looping back to Blackwater before I forget:

Qriist Supporter Blackwater, among other security contractors, were allowed to perform waterboarding on suspects. Leaks in 2009 suggest CIA - Blackwater contracts to assassinate al-Qaida leaders.

Qriist Supporter From Wikipedia^, but I remember that scandal as it popped off

Guyinroom83 i agree, as you get older, gifts just don't matter much at all. Now I just get my brother and sisters kids gifts, and not them, but we have that agreement basically

Guyinroom83 i wouldn't complain about one bible verse. i might about a wedding announcemt

thrasybulus Pride is fucking everywhere: live video from your local pride parade.

Guyinroom83 @thrasybulus yeah, its no comparison anymore. religious stuff is almost nowhere
OakPoke Supporter+ New business idea. Right wing Christian cookie fortune verses

thrasybulus Greek Fortune Cookie: You will fuck your mother after becoming a king.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke "Jesus wept, which is why your cookie is soggy."
OakPoke Supporter+ Could work. If the surname sounds jewosh, make sure to include one about synagogue of Satan.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly orders a pizza. Opens the box, sees a fortune cookie. Eating the cookie while reading: "I'm watching you now. Well, I should be freaked out, but I'm eating a cookie, sooooo there's that."

Guyinroom83 ok you have a point. its pretty hard to not ever be biased

Guyinroom83 i honestly hate wedding culture id be more annoyed about that

Guyinroom83 hiiiii we door dash for extra $$$ but we need more $$$ for our 900k weddingggggg

Qriist Supporter Oh yeah, the government's been sued to high heaven over Blackwater/etc

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Having the contractors do the nasty shit gives the elite plausible deniability. "Our military has not tortured anyone." <-- True statement technically

Qriist Supporter yup

Guyinroom83 thats just regular donuts

Guyinroom83 what about, 'body of christ' fortune cookies shaped in jesus christ form

Guyinroom83 lol, had the same thought as erl

thrasybulus Eucharist cookies?

Guyinroom83 the blood is the best part

JQuickDraw Supporter Make something like cherry filled chocolates, but shaped like Jesus' head. You bite into it and thick red goo spills out.

Qriist Supporter @Guyinroom83

Guyinroom83 is it bad to eat jesus? its part of communion!

Guyinroom83 kumail is a cunt in real life but funny in shows

Guyinroom83 lol @Qriist

Guyinroom83 no. im not trusting this. don't eat the stickers people.

Qriist Supporter *channels Alex Jones* "They putting stickers on the fruit and turning liability gay!"

thrasybulus Night all.

Guyinroom83 see, wedding culture sucks

Guyinroom83 ugh

Guyinroom83 @thrasybulus night

JQuickDraw Supporter "All the bridesmaids are complaining about that guy trying to grab their asses." "Hey I thought they were puppets."

Guyinroom83 $500??

Guyinroom83 i'd just say no

Guyinroom83 fuck off

Guyinroom83 hat boy... lmao

Guyinroom83 is this a grown man who has a hat boy puppet he takes everywhere

Guyinroom83 paper bag puppets

Qriist Supporter *bride gets groped* "Is this a wedding or a Japanese bullet train?"

Guyinroom83 true

Guyinroom83 i just hate the weddings like this, where everything is just for social media or to go viral

Guyinroom83 ha

JQuickDraw Supporter I want to go to a wedding where the bride and groom are hunted by the people in attendance. If they renounce their vows, they're free to go. This way, they have to REALLY want to be together.

Guyinroom83 when is Erl's wedding?

Qriist Supporter dang, I'm gonna have to return that wedding dress now.

Guyinroom83 it's not this month is it

Qriist Supporter @Guyinroom83 no next summer

Guyinroom83 great idea. @JQuickDraw

Qriist Supporter You want wings, eh? Get Redbull to sponsor your wedding lmao

Guyinroom83 gonna come up quick! JQuick, even! @Qriist

Guyinroom83 people will dress as 'other ginger' and 'other erl' as costumes
OakPoke Supporter+ Is this a Japanese wedding train or a grope subway 🤔?

Guyinroom83 i do the same thing

Guyinroom83 but then i just never post it

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke This Japanese child idol train wedding sponsored by Subway's Jard-san!

Qriist Supporter Jared*

Guyinroom83 oh i read this quote

Guyinroom83 lmao

Guyinroom83 mentally disabled lol

Guyinroom83 DRUMPF

Guyinroom83 TUCK FRUMP

Qriist Supporter I read the Dead Zone in high school, decades before I knew who Trump was. Didn't connect them at all due to that.

Guyinroom83 why doesnt king ever get any shit for what he says

Guyinroom83 or for his child orgy scene

Qriist Supporter okay I know there's been a stunning array of random anti-Jew propaganda over the years, but I'm pretty sure I've never heard anyone say MoeTown makes a mean doggo BBQ.

Qriist Supporter I feel like that one would have stood out to me.

Qriist Supporter (yes i totally reposted myself)

JQuickDraw Supporter White liberals are the only group in the world with a strong out-group preference. They literally hate anyone who looks like themselves.
OakPoke Supporter+ gn

Guyinroom83 MoeTown is a big fan of duck roast though.

Guyinroom83 jesus

JQuickDraw Supporter Who hasn't befriended a school shooter at some point in their life?

Guyinroom83 before or after the shooting Tim?

JQuickDraw Supporter "I've dealt with tyrants. I've been friends with war mongering dictators. I know them well."

Qriist Supporter "In Tianamen Square, in the Spring of 1989, nothing happened." Tim Walz

Qriist Supporter (probably)

Guyinroom83 amazing how they go around answering

Guyinroom83 i misspoke.

Guyinroom83 look, i love my community. thats my answer.

Qriist Supporter All the people trying to say Trump's a coward, were real upset when he walked into the DMZ to make Kim Jung Un his bitch.

Qriist Supporter all that time was his misspeaking

Guyinroom83 thats all you can eat

Qriist Supporter Carter was on a carnivore diet for a while. When we met on the US trips he would prioritize citrus fruits to counteract possible scurvy from the increased carbs he was eating on the fly.

Qriist Supporter I have no idea where to find you.

Qriist Supporter Those are unrelated statements lol

Qriist Supporter casserole is basically salad

Qriist Supporter speaking of food and gingerness, poke him

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin Oh yeah! I meant to ask him about it earlier but forgot, lol.

Guyinroom83 good salad is expensive

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin Remind me to remind him tomorrow in the evening.

Qriist Supporter will do!

Guyinroom83 in stardew or real life?

JQuickDraw Supporter If you're decapitated, can you be recapitated?

Qriist Supporter what about bicapitated?

Guyinroom83 ugh. wish i could grow anything

JQuickDraw Supporter I guess you would just become die-capitated.

Guyinroom83 depends what your identity is that day J

Guyinroom83 my dad has a garden. will poach from him

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

Guyinroom83 👍️ 👍️

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