Four Days After This Exchange, Kamala Harris Agreed To Sit Down With Stephanie Ruhle

1 day ago

Posted • September 25, 2024: We're not sure you're ready for this, but Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris will finally sit down to an interview with the press to answer tough questions on immigration, inflation and energy costs. LOL! Naw, we're just kidding you. Super reputable New York Times journalist and MSNBC contributor, Peter Baker is crowing about Harris being interviewed by Stephanie Ruhle. On the most recent episode of Bill Maher’s show, Stephanie Ruhle scoffed repeatedly at Bret Stephens’s suggestion that Harris ought to answer questions, and said that believing that was equivalent to wanting to live in “nirvana.” So I’m sure this interview will be tough and edifying. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Kamala Harris to Be Interviewed by the 'Great' Stephanie Ruhle Says Drooling NYT Reporter

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