Desperate Much? Colin Allred Tries Taking Credit For Ted Cruz's Bill And HOOBOY Was THAT Ever Stupid

1 day ago

Posted • September 24, 2024: Yesterday, the US House of Representatives passed the amended version of the Senate's CHIPS Act, referred to by Chuck Schumer himself as the 'Kelly-Cruz amendment.' In other words, Sen. Cruz was co-lead and a key player in delivering this massive victory for Texas jobs and the economy. Yes, Cruz remains a complete and total bada*s for Texas. Even Samsung applauded his efforts in getting this done. Upon its passage, Cruz's opponent Colin Allred who did absolutely nothing on the bill falsely claimed credit for it. No, really. Look at this: Colin Allred @ColinAllredTX: “A win for Texas! The House passed our bill, the Building Chips in America Act, to streamline permitting and advance CHIPS Act projects. Thanks to a team from both sides of the aisle, we got this done. Ted Cruz is trying to claim credit. Classic Ted acting like a “me guy.””

What a lying liar. Just SHAMELESS. It wasn't Allred's bill. He didn't do anything with it. Leave it to a Democrat to try and take credit for something they didn't do while blaming others for things they DID do. Hey, don't take our word or Samsung's word or even Chuck Schumer's word for it … check out Ted Cruz from LAST YEAR: Secretary Gina Raimondo endorses Senator Ted Cruz's amendment to NDAA to streamline permitting process for new semiconductor projects: "we do need to -- which your amendment would do -- streamline the process, speed the process, make the process more efficient and user friendly…" -- Gosh, that sounds a lot like this was Ted Cruz's bill. Womp womp, Allred. Stop lying, Colin. This isn't "your" bill. But don't take our word for it, take Samsung's! -- Colin, Samsung is literally GIVING him credit--because it's his bill. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Bro, Desperate MUCH? Colin Allred Tries Taking Credit for Ted Cruz's Bill and HOOBOY Was THAT Ever Stupid

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