Idaho 4 | Collection 11.22 | White Elantra Runners & Retaliations | Read Description

1 day ago

This video depicts the situation with the Eugene White Elantra but also touches on the too-convenient two arson fires, set by a regular and professional arson man, who lives and breathes fire (one of their men) and he knows where to set fires for maximum damage, and how to get away with it, just like the Kohberger Case.

Two Arsons are directly connected to ordered retaliations via organized crimes the plague of the underbelly of the King Queen Road Massacre.

Arson and Dog Skinning was always your sign folks. It is all here right in front of you so wake the fuck up.

Instead of being haters and jealous AF you need to appreciate my work, my intelligence, and YES I MAKE CONTENT MOTHERFUCKERS. This is content, Yours is not. FACTS.

This case ain't Rocket science, it's just corruption being rooted out of Idaho, and looks like the corruption has a shit ton of money moles and grubbing whores, and he and she and they all know men and women who can be bought or sold, and these helpless souls will be told they are protected and they will protect their interests only when it all comes down, never the patsy, even if they throw you bones in jail, you are of no value when you get caught.

When you owe the lion money, he will eat.
That is a no brainer. You will work off your debts, however they want, and if you don't do what they want or say or reject them, they will come after you, your hard work, and your family, exploit you, make you react, and gather evidence to take you down with any means necessary. This can be proven by Theologian Douglas Wilson's recent livestream with Grandson and Son. In a LiveStream on YouTube he was there talking to his right hand leadership, and his very own son and grandson of Stickergate, Nate & Rory Wilson/ Low and behold, Rory Wilson is there to debut his career at Columbia University and the grooming of his male mentors and family members to make him President Someday.

Rory is a very well spoken man of God like his genealogy, but he and his brother and Nate his father his grandfather Doug W and his buddies, all mingle in quiet places and plan ways to teach skills tactics and major lessons, so if anyone comes after them, they all know how to handle business.

This is proven in their content.

Anyway, Douglas Wilson said plainly he is under scrutiny by the FBI for prior reports by a woman and some others Moscow. You either love Doug or Hate him. I personally study him, and he's the only person I've truly psychologically studied other than the defendant and victims. Something about Doug and his involvement with Silas Parks the man who set his wife on fire after strangulation, and Doug being thrilled to house young men in his old garage of masterminding ways, to deal with thought crimes.

Ever think for a second that the sheath was left behind, because it was the wrong one and the knife is not a Kabar? I have.

These kids love knives and love money. They are opportunists like their own parents. Getting rid of Xana and Maddie is a no brainer motive. Getting rid of Kaylee is more complex, because they had to do this while she was in town and she was leaving.
The girl was lured by a narco bitch and punk ass coward and she had a gut she should leave and go home but stayed for her friends.

I say fuck friends to Kaylee.

hey were jealous and they were scared of getting caught being whores and wanna be actors and film stars so fuckin bad, that it was easier to hide the fact they knew this was going down. No doubt in my mind.

They have been warned by the same entities. If you talk, we will come after you and you won't like it. That's justified on this story. I believe Bandfield was the signal from a Senior recruiter and the 3 other FRESH-Men caught running, for the cops to go to the home and finish them. Don't worry I'm here to help you. They come in like the hero, but with terror in mind they had to be the last seen by the victims.

I do think there is a female driver who took off to another State and is harboring herself and or the other accomplice. I think possibly the woman who I think ran, went to WSU or comes from Pullman or she was familiar with Bryan within the first 2 months of his arrival. I believe there were drugs involved and Brent Kopacka was in the know about the enforcers and the hit man they enforce for.

Take a look around and tell me who likes to play King and Queen like Britain's royal family? None other than the Cartels of all nations, and Entertainment Icons, as well as High ranking Church leaders and their Stepford Wives. Don't forget their friends who are in real estate, who are attorneys, who can pay for have you trolled to a degree of making you off yourself. They learned this in the military and it is how they subdue perceived threats . They stalk, profile, then plan your dehumization fall to see, just like the same shit they are doing to Diddy.

Ask yourself this? Where are all the sick fuck White men or Latin or International Pedos and Perverts who pay for disgusting acts no one can imagine? Why does the black guy always die first?

Screw these lying media reps. This is a fucking joke. White corrupt paid officers who refuse to admit they are bought by high ranking cartel to keep peace, not our government. They are scared to talk. Because it's against the law to dishonor your color and oaths, and once they get you to dishonor this virtue of virtues, you are fucked.

Cops better start telling the truth about the Gimps in the Basement cause I don't think pulp fiction is too far off. Not at all.

They are using Black Men in Hip Hop for the ultimate fall. Make them wish they didn't lie. How about that?

#bryankohberger, #idaho4, #justice4idaho4 #corruption, l#awenforcement, #lies, #secrets, #racecard, #foolishness #whiteelantra, crimescene, truthbetold, #richpeople, #gettingawaywithmurder #redditsurvey #surveillance #stalking #trickery #lurker #moscowidaho

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