Trump Hints that Something Big May be Coming out in Regards to the Vaccines over the next 12 months

2 months ago

Ask yourself an honest question… what would have happened if Trump Challenged the Covid 19 Narrative?

“Some Day we’re going to Sit Down & Have a Little Talk”

Trump Hints that Something Big May be Coming out in Regards to the Vaccines over the next 12 months 👀

• “they’re doing studies on the vaccines and we’re going to find out, and it’ll come out one way or the other.”

• Democrats want to claim it… the republicans don’t want to claim it, but It’ll be determined I’d say over the next 12 months

• Pfizer and others, they have charts and all sorts of statistics, and they don’t release them.

One thing is for sure… clarity on this needs to be exposed soon.

Trump was dealt with an impossible hand, which put us on the path of a crippling economy.

Watch full interview:

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