What's in my Pack part-2 “well stuffed” with Hubertus Loden wool pack-bags

6 months ago

Now this is the 2nd part of my "What's in my Pack" series, having a quick spin out around on the local city green and Watermill on a Sunday morning, with some unexpected encounter along the way.

In this video I settle down on damp ground and opening my full Monty woolly Loden Hiking, Bushcraft, Outdoor Rucksack as requested by my old outdoor buddy Andy from England, pulling everything out of my pack, showing the very verity Hubertus Loden pack-bags, felt seat pad and in general everything that's in my pack, explain why I'm using this and how to pack the Rucksack for comfortable wearing it on my back on full load, doing some recommendation for this wonderful wool Loden fabric and products, because they made it possible for me to gear my kit up the way it is, highly prising the Hubertus Loden company.

(this is not a promotion Video)

Webpages - Link recommendation:

Hubertus Loden:

Gramlich Bergstock:

Tschum Tents:

DD Hammocks:

KHHI Khukuri house:

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