Stalking behavior episode2

1 month ago

This is an example of her taking clips of me and then talking about me on another platform.

She makes claims that we're stalking and doing this to her. And she does not have one clipping proof of any of that.

She has been stalking me now For 2 years. She's been doing all she can to find out where I Reside.

There are missing individuals around where she lives. She now wants to talk about missing women.

She is very obsessed with the Brian coburger case. She doesn't live too far from the crime scene. I truly believe she was a stalker for them as well.

She targets the spanish, The native indian look, Basically any female that has a baby spanish like face.

She is also very prejudiced against the race of mexican and spanish. She tries to pretend and say she's a Native American Indian. But she knows that she's not. She targets the native american women and calls them mexicans.

Lots more will be posted soon.

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