Morgellon's Disease Red Wine Spit Test

1 month ago

Since it was first mentioned to us, Morgellon's has both scared us and aroused our curiosity as to its source and why it appears to be affecting millions.

More of the de-population onslaught?

We took this video to our family doctor and asked for an Ivermectin prescription to which he deflected and referred me to a dermatologist. Instead of giving me what I wanted based on my informed medical knowledge, he passed responsibility to a specialist, who might or might not see me in 6 months.

Is this the work of Big Pharma keeping doctors quiet about the truth of Ivermectin?

Apparently it has worked well in Japan (Nation that created Ivermectin) and other countries. The West is to be excluded from a known medical truth?

Perhaps because the deliberate destruction of everything Western is in the works. So far, conspiracy theories on these matters have all come to pass as true. We surely cannot let medical apartheid grip us.

Wake up people!

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