Live Chat with Paul; -202- Is Robert Salas Lying; Deep Dive + UFO vids +UAP Topics Web Lies vs Truth

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Deep Dive in to Robert Salas claims and why
the debunkers all banding together on possible disinfo as being True! Cover ups are real
so why the crying over UFOs disarming Nukes?
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
low attention spans will find todays show hard as its a messy one
to breakdown with incorrect info and dates and cover ups
[00:07:00] (1d) Side Chat and Debunkers
[00:16:26] (2) Main Topic Begins - Lets get on the same page first! What are minuteman silos and nukes!
[00:33:00] (3) Brian Dunning poor debunk of it broken down
A debunker whos a fraudster that did prison time of 1 year
and stole 5million dollars and only paid back 400K
[00:48:00] (3b) missing Info already what took out transfiormer
[00:55:00] (3c) Faded memory or date swaps on purpose?
[00:57:00] (3d) Disinfo and Cover Up\
[01:04:00] (3e) Dunning What Really Happened vs
What Paul has research and will show coming up!
[01:10:20] (3f) Misinfo on declassified events now
Paul fixes this Dunning comment with facts
[01:19:20] (4) Now look and listen to the oldest video interviews
and check dates and facts. Sightings show next first Nick Popes
interview 9 years ago science channel and NLP eyes for figuring
out if someone is lying.. generally works well
[01:37:00] (4b) Sightings TV show Dates and times more of them and
silo called November? Why? memory or additional info but lacks
1 week prior echo stuff!
[01:54:00] (5) Greenstreet interview and claims, Was November used
to cover up Oscar Silo cos of some other reason? 12 hours after for Echo
not 1 week prior? so was that 2 events at Event then? 3 weeks prior more
info on UFOs being sighted during March?
[01:59:40] (5b) Finally found missing clip of greenstreet
[02:06:00] (6) Fox news interview. Again body Lingo consistent. 27 years before
revealing the UFO incident not 37!
[02:15:56] (7) Email from Earl Grey on Salas with pictures
[02:32:50] (8) Larry King, Interview
[02:36:20] (9) Another interview by looks Russian TV? to check story and NLP
[02:42:00] (10) Why are aliens concerned about Nukes? Theories? Theyre from the SEA
a different humanoid offset that lives in secret to multiverse connection points etc
[02:45:00] (11) Witnesses confirming UFOs and Issues they causes over silos
[03:04:00] (11b) Reading out Witness statements for 1967 and other years to follow
[03:43:00] (11c) How accurate are websites cut and paste Journos
[03:52:00] (11d) Finally, Play video with confessions from National Press Club
see if you think they are mistaken or telling lies?
[03:57:00] (11e) States the superiors told them not to file reports
that way it wont be in FOIA!!! BINGO!
[04:00:00] (12) Comparing Carl Sagan Body NLP eyes to Salas
[04:03:00] (13) Dolan backs up Salas statement
[04:11:00] (14) Salas visited by Aliens claim. Greenstreet claims it
was from a dream?
[04:15:00] (14b) Paul said search on X twitter website is crap but it works
on APP just fine.. so reshared the info to my feed so then I could
access on PC/laptop web version
[04:18:25] (14c) Finally found alien account!
[04:30:00] (15) The problems with Greenstreets thinking
[04:44:00] (16) Paul finishes on news about himself and his statement
on Reddit why Disclosure wont happen via GOV
[04:54:00] (17) No way! in shock, Mick West and Blake cousins not gay?

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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