EP167: Trump Assassination Update, Multiple Weapons? Audio Analysis, Obama’s Kamalot, Campaign Funds

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EP167: Trump Assassination Update, Multiple Weapons? Audio Analysis, Obama’s Kamalot, Campaign Funds

- Yellowstone Biscuit Basin Geyser Eruption(VIDEO) https://thebarkingcrow.com/so-if-yellowstone-explodes-whats-the-plan/
- Trump speaks at Bitcoin Conference, price bump
- Is Ryan Cohen taking on Amazon? https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanverdon/2020/01/26/ryan-cohen-started-a-company-that-took-on-amazon-and-sold-it-for-3-billion-now-hes-thinking-about-whats-next/
- NFL 58 Days Away

- Obama Forces Out Biden https://open.substack.com/pub/seymourhersh/p/leaving-las-vegas?r=2gng6&utm_medium=ios
- Complaint filed against Harris for transfer of $95M campaign funds https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-campaign-files-complaint-against-harris-taking-over-biden-war-chest-2024-07-24/; NPR https://www.npr.org/2024/07/23/g-s1-12807/harris-biden-fec-campaign-finance

Assassination Attempt UPDATE
- Where are the Press conferences?
- Ron Johnson Letter: skipped morning briefing, picture of bike/rifle bag, man in gray suit demanding photos sent to ATF(SAIC?), snipers at 2nd floor beginning at 10:30am,
- Police Confrontation is BS https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/assassin-eye-witness-police-are-lying-about-rooftop/
- PA State Police testimony https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4789237-pennsylvania-police-commissioner-trump-shooting/
- Martenson analysis: three muffled shots, then 5 rapid fire shots, then single shot, then 2nd single shot…three weapons from multiple audio sources,
- Ladder disinformation, LE’s ladder
- ESU photographer location, 2nd floor windows taken at 5:14pm
- Alleged Shooter didn’t fire shot #1
- Multiple Shooters?
- Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle resigns following House testimony https://justthenews.com/government/congress/secret-service-director-resigns-johnson-says-it-was-right-decision
- Counter Snipers took only one shot, per Cheatle testimony
- Local officer shot at Crooks https://www.butlereagle.com/20240718/butler-da-local-officer-shot-at-possibly-hit-trumps-would-be-assassin/
- Rooftop discussion video
- Shooter had GAB account https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-gab-owner-says-trump-shooter-may-have-had-pro-biden-social-media-account/


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