July 23, 2024

2 months ago

Hold onto your seats, the truth of the Numbers flows out from Elijah Atherton, and there is still so much to unload. Next up is the Number 13 but this episode is about THE DEVIL'S TOWER, and we go over some other stuff related to 911, that shows up in the words MENTAL HEALTH and NICOLAI TESLA. We reiterate the impending doom of 2025, which has been shown us by the powers, in the form of the DEAGEL website back in the year 2017. Go to the Way Back machine and check out Nov 2nd. That's the one I saw and it spurred me into action. My friend Japhy calls me the canary in the coal mine. I prefer to think of myself as a messenger of the Almighty, trying to wake all the fucktarded sheep up to the lies and deception of the eons that have passed. The great American Giant is groaning awake I can FEEL IT. Everything happens for a reason, and there are no coincidences. Everything happens exactly as it should.

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