Live Chat with Paul; -198- Weekly UFO vid catch up + Alien Encounters Cases reviewed + UFO topics

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

UPD! I did close one topic on Indian art sky people, I will add back on for next live too considering I used image on this thumb!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Weekly catch of viral UFO vids on web + Look at
the show and cases in new UFO TV series called Alien Encounters: Fact of Fiction
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:12:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - UFO GRIFTER GAME updates Paul has now finished it
[00:25:26] (3) ancient cave paintings like like saucers and 3 eyed greys?
are they fake misinfo or legit?
I have done more research on these images of ancient india and seems to be AI art. I will cover it more next live show. and what AI based the images on!!! errr
AI art needs watermarking or Web search engines add one at bottom .. detected fake
as its becoming a problem now.
[00:29:16] (3b) Hands with more fingers not 3 like alien greys said to have.. suggests
these are AI created!
[00:32:27] (3c) Octopus Aliens coming from UFO craft? Paul
looks up the info on DNA of Octopus is different then Earth other species
and some Abductees claim to have aliens with sucker fingers like Octopus
so maybe AI used that info to fake Art here?
[00:34:00] (3d) Paul researchers more on Octopus DNA
[00:45:00] (3e) Side Chat catchup and Missing People cant say its not related to
alien abductions or bad actors!
[00:49:00] (3f) PAUL didnt spot that these are the real and only images
of the indian location of art!
[00:54:00] (3g) The 2nd Hint the art work is not Indian based but Aboriginal
Australia.. another clue its AI generated fake
[01:04:00[ (4) Pauls bookmark is changed but reads out the posts
about Metamaterials
[01:06:54] (5) A PC fault of clicks not working Paul decides to check things
and have a small break and eat a little.
[01:17:52] (5b) Paul resumes after break checks
[01:20:00] (6) Marik vs Mick West and LuReviews Micks groupie Man..
[01:34:20] (7) Paul now reviews the first 4 episodes of TV show
Alien Encounters fact or fiction and goes over each of the 10 or
so cases and sees what they missed or got correct!
It just might be the best non bias debunk show on low budget
that copies what Paul does for FREE!
[01:42:00] (7a) First Case they film a light in the sky-can Paul enhance it?
[02:15:00] (7b) 2nd case - Ms Luna - Claims to have visits by
angels and light beings snaps a pic on a train and it has
a UFO which turns out to be a yellow light reflection Paul goes into details
[02:18:00] for 2nd case, Paul thinks shes lying whats touching hair mean
[02:29:00] (7c) 3rd Case Blue light Abduction?
[02:32:00] (7d) 4th obviously starlink train! their team confirm it
[02:38:20] (7e) 5th case, Frank finds metal in Roswell crash site and
turns out to be legit and abnormal but does it prove Aliens NO! but plane or space craft
yes. cos it was melted like in heat crash!
[03:19:00] (7e cont) Paul has issues google has limited GPS format acceptance
and trying to convert for it isnt so easy as we expected! sigh!
[03:44:00] (7f) 6th case, A lady Jessica Blunt with her 2 sons claims to see an Orb, Paul says its a butterfly in daytime! but says she seen ufos throughout life.
[03:47:36] (7g) 7th Case, Pretty lady Rachel; claims to be abducted when was a kid - and
digs out a white odd shape blob from inside and behind ear
what it turns out is very odd.. a plastic filling cap of tooth? Was she faking
or could somehow that get inside her blood stream or skin? Aliens had sucker fingers
like Octopus? (see earlier Paul talking about this!)
[03:58:40] (7h) 8th case 3 red lights not flares or spacex or is it Paul thinks they
missed something here. They said UFO Paul says they are wrong!
[04:16:00] (7i) 9th case Reptilians or ochterids?
[04:29:16] (7j) 10th case, Hess from Sedona files a bright orb that vanishes
Paul says its 100 percent space debris flaming then fades quick. upward
direct is optical illusion Paul demonstrates how. They said UFO so got it wrong!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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