#016 Abel Tomb Light Warrior OPS: Syria and Lebanon, save DNA Humanity DISCLOSURE by ENG-Anon
First Story: Searching for Abel’s Tomb by Habeeb Salloum
“And the Lord said unto Cain, where is Abel thy brother?
And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?
And He said, What hast thou done?
The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground.” (Genesis 4:9)
So it is written in the Bible. But where did Cain commit this evil deed? My Damascene friend was sure that it was near Damascus – the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. “And why should you doubt that the first crime in history should have been committed in this part of the world? Is not this land the birthplace of civilization? Here, we believe that Damascus was the Garden of Eden – the place where man first walked the earth.” Like a good number of Syrians my friend had no doubts that Adam’s sons are both buried near Syria‘s capital.
As to their graves, there are two tales which people would relate – each one believing that their own version was the true story. The first tells how Cain killed his brother near the resort town of Zabadani and that Abel’s body is entombed on top of a nearby mountain. The other relates of how after Cain slew Abel, he did not know what to do with his brother’s body since this was the first homicide in mankind.
Confused, he carried the body on his shoulders and walked back and forth for 40 days until he reached Jabal al-Arba’an (Mountain of the Forty), overlooking Damascus. Stopping to rest he saw two birds fight until one was killed. The victorious one then scratched a hole in the ground and covered the dead bird.
A guide relating to me the story ended it by saying, “Taking as an example what he had seen, Cain dug a hole and buried his brother then, grieving, lay by the grave until he died. “Today, there are two graves alongside each other, which are said to be those of Cain and Abel atop Jabal al-Arba’an. To see them, visitors after parking their autos below, must labour up many steps – a task which should only be attempted by the physically fit.
To me, the first story seemed to be the most logical and I decided to make a journey to see the tomb. I hailed a taxi and asked the driver if he knew the whereabouts of Abel’s grave near the Zabadani. “Of course.” He did not hesitate, “I want 1,000 liras (about $21. U.S.) to make the trip.” After some bargaining, we agreed to a price of 800 liras.
The hot Damascus sun was scorching as my daughter and myself began our journey to the tomb of what to many people is the resting place of the first murdered man in history. As our taxi made its way out of the expanding capital of Syria crawling up the slopes of Mount Qasioun (Jabal Qāsiyūn), we could see new apartment buildings going up everywhere. Soon we were in a narrow green valley filled with orchards, driving by a river that winds its way between barren cliffs. These threw their shadows of bewildering colors on the valley below with its ancient villages, encompassed by modern galloping construction and newly planted trees.
Seeing a sign indicating Beirut, I asked the driver if he was sure where we were going. I had read that at the Beirut-Zabadani crossroad one takes a side road to Abel’s tomb. The boastful driver haughtily replied, “I know every place around Damascus.” Having had experiences with macho types before, I was leery but kept quiet, thinking he must know the best route.
As we drove on and on, I became edgy asking again and again, “Are you sure you know the route”? Making our way through the orchard-filled Zabadani plains toward the mountain top resort of Bludan, his answers became weaker and less reassuring. After much insistence he stopped and asked a roadside farmer about the road to the tomb. “You are a long way past”, the old man pointed back, “Take the road to the left at the Beirut turn.
I wanted to gloat, but felt sorry for the know-it-all driver as he continually muttered under his breath, “0 God! 0 God! I am going to lose money. I will not have enough even for the gas.” Hoping to make him feel better, I offered him another 100 liras. Immediately, his mood changed and his boastful ways returned.
Near the Beirut junction, I told him to ask at the nearby police station for the road. “No! I will ask the chauffeur of that taxi. He will know better.” The man pointed back from where we had come. After about 5 minutes I became angry, “We are wasting time. Return and ask the police.” Seeing that I was upset, he turned back mumbling something under his breath.
The unpleasant policeman pointed to a road barely 10 m (33 ft) away. The driver became like a purring cat as we climbed upward on the mountain road. By the time we stopped at an army checkpoint, surrounded by the apparatus of war, his boasts had evaporated. We were disappointed when told that we would have to leave our camera at the checkpoint. One of the main purposes of our trip was to photograph the tomb.
The soldiers by the pot-holed narrow stony tract waved as we passed, apparently glad for something different on their mountain crest. Six km (4 mi) from the Beirut crossroad, we saw it looming before us – a large white dome set on top of a large mosque-like building. We had traveled over 100 km (62 mi), but the tomb was in reality only 40 km (25 mi) from Damascus. The stubbornness of the driver had made us waste time, but I was not too unhappy. Our meandering had taken us through fantastic desert mountain scenery, encompassing rich farming valleys.
Parking our taxi near a somewhat large structure, we walked in the refreshing cool air to the entrance of Abel’s Tomb, looking down the fault where the Barada River winds its way downward, giving life to Damascus. Seemingly set on the top of the world, the tomb is a holy site for the Druze – a secretive offshoot Islamic sect.
Evenly divided between Syria and Lebanon, the Druze, founded in the 11th century, honor most of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim prophets. Fiercely independent, they live in mountain areas and make great warriors, assuming that if they fall in battle Paradise will be their reward. They believe in reincarnation and revere saints. Many come on pilgrimage every year to get the blessing of Adam’s son – one of their saints.
The keeper of the tomb, a kindly old man, opened the door to the mausoleum. Inside there was a 7 m (23 ft) long sarcophagus covered with green silk tapestry inscribed with verses from the Qur’an. The old man pointed to the crypt, “This is the coffin of Abel, the second son of Adam and Eve.
When I asked the keeper why the sarcophagus was so long, he smiled, “The father of mankind was a giant and his sons were giants.” To the faithful, it is truly the coffin of Abel; to the skeptics, it is a colorful fairytale.
We moved on to a large new section that has recently been added to the tomb site. It includes a huge courtyard edged by rooms and a prayer chamber. The whole aura was that of a mosque, yet it was different. It appears to be a Druze meeting place, which, like their religion, carries the mystic nature of Islam, but with some ornamentation.
I thought about the Biblical figure who had become a saint as we made our way back to Damascus on a new autostrat, bordered on both sides by newly planted trees. As we roared through valleys overflowing with new construction, I decided that I would not climb Jabal al- Arba’an.
Visiting one of Abel’s tombs had satisfied my curiosity. “Legends are made for those who really believe”, I reflected as I handed the driver 1,000 liras. My bargaining had come to naught. His arrogance had been overwhelmed by my pity. I knew that he did not deserve the tip. Perhaps, it was the kindness of the old Druze keeper of the tomb that had made me mellow or, perhaps, it was the memory of Abel who was the first murdered man in mankind.
Second Story: COLLAPSE OF THE OLD SYSTEM - The Great Quantum Transition Ops in Syria and Lebanon
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
We bring you news of the great quantum transition. The main objectives of light warriors Ops in Syria and Lebanon were the removal on their subtle plane of the negative legacy of the former local universe's black co-creator, his son Yaldabaoth, and their hierarchy when they run earth and earthlings. At the global level, higher light hierarchs and their ground team will need a lot more time and effort to stamp out the evil things of the 3D past.
Specifically, the ops in these countries were targeted at the rehabilitation of the genetic code of humanity, assistance in the ascension of souls that for various reasons remained blocked on earth, purification from karma, restoration, and activation of the sacred space infrastructure for transition into 5D. The first operation, light warriors, was carried out in al-Zabadani, one of the picturesque places of Syria, about 50 kilometers from Damascus, in the Nabi Habil mosque where Abel's grave is located. Here, on co-creator's assignment, the group worked on his DNA and Monad, which were preserved in the burial field.
The Op was as follows. Incarnated on earth, souls, depending on the purposes of embodiment and their frequencies, end up in two main streams or branches of humanity, the progenitors of which at different times were Cain and Seth. In turn, the causal matrices of these flows, forming a single tree of life, served as the basis of numerous ethnic groups inhabiting our planet. Abel had no offspring but was one of the carriers of the main primary branch of humanity.
He was born by Adam and Eve as a perfect man. Unlike his brother Cain, the forbearer of this stream, who was born as a result of Eve's adultery with Yaltaboth, appeared to her under Samael's mask. Abel's murder, staged by black co-creator, caused the human race to fall into a karmic trap.
On the subtle plane, Abel's grave was an incarnation portal through which very rarely, only in case of extreme necessity, higher light entities came on our 3D planet. The Abel's monad and DNA served as a core of this gateway. The ground team's members had to take into themselves the matrix of the primary branch and purify it from karma in their causal bodies.
It was necessary for the gradual rehabilitation and uprooting of the tree of life and its replacement with a new, absolutized one. The group was lucky. There was no one else around the grave while they were working and could focus entirely on the op.
Approaching the seven meter sarcophagus of green and white marble, they felt powerful vibrations of absolute love emanating from the DNA and soul of Abel. Their waves mixed with amber grease coming out of three holes in the end plane of the sarcophagus and brought light warriors into such a grace that tears poured from their eyes. From the information wave field of Abel's DNA, co-creators put into the causal bodies of the team members the primary branch matrix and its core into the monad of the group leader for cleansing.
While working, they tuned in to Abel's soul and again felt the divine vibration of his heart, generating a powerful energy impulse. They helped the soul to leave the incarnation field of earth where he had never embodied after the murder. He refused this as well as the ascension until the earthlings would begin to return to their original state of an ideal man.
And that's exactly what he saw in light warriors. The next day, they went to Lebanon to do the same work on the causal matrix of the second primary branch of humanity, which Seth was the founder, and to carry out other planned operations. Seth's grave is located in the mosque of the small village of Al-Nabi Shaykh in Bekaa Valley.
And team members again were lucky. There was no one there while they were working. Here, co-creators disclosed new details about the third son of Adam and Eve.
His wife Dipol was a higher light being named Azura, who helped him in everything, and after death was buried in the same sarcophagus. Light warriors clairvoyantly scanned it and found that several DNA are emanating from inside, which indicates that the remains of at least two people rest there. According to Adam and Eve's plan, Seth was supposed to revive a new second primary branch after the murder of Abel and further tragic events.
To do this at one time, a functioning portal was built from Seth's DNA, causal body and monad. But the matrix of this branch was also contaminated with karma, and by that reason he refused to incarnate until people remedy the situation. Light warriors did their job, after which helped Seth to ascend.
Then their way lay to Baalbek in the southeast of Lebanon, where the temple of Jupiter is located. It was built in the Roman era on the power place of an older sanctuary, where in the distant past, co-creators erected the earth's temple, accumulating Pleroma's energy of the masculine foundation. The second one, Gaia's temple, which captured the vibrations of the feminine foundation, was in Delphi, Greece.
Until now, both are connected by a powerful single field. Later, co-creators used this cosmic infrastructure to construct a temple of planetary reality, which stored the causal information matrix of four elementals, earth, water, fire and air, that light warriors now actively upgrade. After the invasion of the negative alien archons, NAA, and the seizure of our planet, black and gray hierarchs used that temple for their purposes, appointing Yahweh to run it.
The rituals and rites performed there are striking in cruelty and bloodthirstiness. The sanctuary has become the center of all methods and tools of murder, sexual perversion, and other crimes. The agony and energy of tortured bodies and souls were fed by Yahweh, Jehovah, Yaldabaoth, black co-creator, and entire parasitic hierarchy.
They added two more parts to the elemental matrix of thunder and sky, turning it into a hexagon. Yaldabaoth plugged in the DNA's fragment that was a materialized projection of his monad. This construct was linked by an energy channel with the same hexagram of Jehovah at Saturn's pole, which remains the black archons stronghold and place of their internment in the solar system.
Higher light forces repeatedly tried to return things back, but it brought only a short-term result because Yahweh was still the earth's ruler. At one time, Alexander the Great destroyed the temple and built the sun city Helippolis in its place. In all ancient history, this was the most significant attempt of co-creators to restore the sacred Baalbek with the help of solar logos, which aspect they introduced here through Alexander and made a colossal cleaning of the entire locality.
But soon it was filled with negativity again as the souls of the sacrificed people remained in captivity of Yahweh, Yaldabaoth, and other darks. Gaia also many times attempted to destroy their lair with strong quakes. Their epicenter has always been in two altars where people were tortured and killed.
All archons were well aware that they had no future, so were obsessed with the idea of immortality at the expense of the vital power of others and constantly looked for means of protection against co-creators and guarantees of their own inviolability. And the best option was men who, as hostages, could be used for blackmail and a source of life energy, and on whom they dumped their karma. For example, Yahweh made for himself an invulnerable manifestation body, which consisted of elementals, human souls, and causal bodies, that is, indestructible components.
If co-creators decided to destroy him, they would have to destroy hundreds of thousands of souls. He knew that after sacrifice they were blocked in the earth's infernal reality and couldn't ascend and merge with monads. Therefore, darks created many cults in which man's death is obligatory.
But the light warriors knew op had another important objective. Previously, souls could incarnate on earth up to 777 times. This was ensured by the symbiosis of two factors, the personal logos matrix and the earth's causal matrix.
The first one is given to a person for one embodiment and recording all evolutionary data and karma on his causal body. The second matrix helps people during their stay in the planet's incarnation field, supported by earth's logos. Initially, before NAA's takeover of earth and man, the latter was immortal, because the matter didn't wear out, and personal logos matrix served forever.
But after the invasion of darks and karma emergence, that matrix could support no more than 777 lives due to accumulated negativity. However, in practice, everything was much worse. No monad carrier could achieve so many incarnations.
With the help of Yaldabaoth, Yahweh installed a very smart trap for human souls. He changed the earth's causal matrix in such a way that a person with karma could incarnate no more than 666 times. What happened when this threshold was reached? There were not so many such monad carriers, only several hundred thousand.
However, each of them is a human soul, and the embodiment's return period depends on the amount of karma. The more negativity, the less time between incarnations, and the soul had to get the physical body again and again to work off karma. But in 3D, it only increased, and the soul sank deeper into a karmic swamp from which it could not escape.
It didn't have a chance. If reached the 666th incarnation, Yahweh, Jehovah, Yaldabaoth, and Black Co-Creator captured soul, and divided its vital energy between themselves and their hierarchy, and each used this inexhaustible stream, after the loss of its causal body, the monad was unable to maintain its integrity and fell into a coma. It could survive only thanks to the keepers of monadic families.
Many of its members were saved from death. In the course of ops in different countries light warriors helped to free from karmic captivity and restore a huge amount of souls, crippled by darks and their bloody rituals. However, even today there remain big groups of souls that require a lot of effort for their survival.
And the ground team did such work in Baalbek, on the temple of Jupiter, which Black Archons turned into a spot of torture, executions, and sacrifices. Light warriors couldn't quickly free all the souls captured by Yahweh, because they had already become part of his manifestation body. Therefore, Co-Creators developed another plan, according to which, a few days before arriving in Baalbek, the ground team conducted a forced exchange of aspects with these souls, after obtaining the consent of their higher selves.
That is, group members took in a part of the victim's causal bodies and gave them part of their own. The following op looked like tearing out Yahweh's manifestation body. And of course, the aspects which light warriors extracted were highly polluted by his karma.
Therefore, the team had to purify them with absolute light, though it was very difficult due to concentration of accumulated negativity. Hierarchy also used the causal bodies of the murdered people as a cesspool into which he dumped his karma. Aspect grappling decided the outcome of the whole work.
Light warriors seized the Yahweh's manifestation body and held it rigidly, not giving the slightest chance to escape, while a surgical operation was performed on it, first on one temple of Jupiter's altar, then on the other, where sacrifices and capture of souls took place. Co-Creators carried out the main op's part, pulling on this spot all the souls who incarnated 666 times and were used as hostages by dark hierarchy. The ground team was tasked with creating a single portal for their recovery, ascension, and merging with monads.
By the karmic board's decision, all accumulated negativity was written off and burned in a special karma lord's crystal. On the second altar, light warriors performed a similar operation with souls, exploited by Yahweh. From the victim's causal bodies, team members singled out the cores and placed them in the infrastructure, in which a new human gene pool is forming today.
Although the process is not complete, what has already been created was enough for the soul's restoration. The next light warrior's op in Baalbek was to prepare the restoration of the destroyed space complex around the former earth's temple so that it could receive Absolut's energy again. For that, they put a copy of the Pleroma's crystal into a matrix of elements that quickly returned it to its original shape.
Of course, it will take a lot of time and effort to revive the entire temple infrastructure, but co-creators and their ground team did the main things, freed the souls, cleaned, and rebooted the sacred portal in Baalbek. In the evening of the same day, the group returned to Beirut, where they spent the night. The next morning, at 0707 GMT, from the top of mountain Harissa, the main power place of Lebanese capital, light warriors helped the souls recaptured from Yahweh, and those that reached 666 embodiments ascend from the earth's incarnation field to their monads.
Currently, co-creators prepared them for full recovery and further evolution. The site of the group's next operation was El Karak village in the Zaleh district of the Bekaa governorate in eastern Lebanon, where Noah's grave is located in a domestic mosque. The entrance to it was open, no one was inside, and the light warriors could calmly concentrate on their work.
First, they clairvoyantly scanned the 32-meter sarcophagus and found that the remains of three people were inside, highly likely it could be the patriarch's wife or children. Then, before the planned op, the group members started to tune in to Noah's soul and enter into frequency resonance with it. One of the light warriors had it so strong that she burst into tears.
As it turned out, she incarnated as a relative of Noah, and was with him in the ark during the flood. Having calmed down a little, she and the others got ready to do the main job for which they came to El Karak. Co-creators installed in them some object that was very contaminated with karma.
All the collective efforts and energy of light warriors' hearts went into its purification. It was a matrix of life distorted by Yalta Baoth and imprinted on the mutated DNA and causal body of Noah. After all three structures were restored and Noah's soul could ascend to his monad, during operation the group members had a lot of questions that they did not know the answers to, and turned to co-creators for help.
The received info deeply shocked light warriors. They were reminded that the first primary branch of humanity is the descendants of Cain, the children of Yalta Baoth, and the second is the scions of Seth, the children of the true god. In the process of evolution, representatives of both streams mixed with each other that gradually led to mutation of their genome and DNA.
However, on the higher planes, Seth's progeny remained as pure as before. This categorically did not suit Yahweh, Yalta Baoth, black co-creator, and their hierarchs, and they figured out how to turn this branch into a kind of Cain. For this, they warned Noah about the flood, which they also staged.
On their advice, he built an ark for his closest men, the samples of the absolutized gene pool and the earth's flora and fauna. The events described in the Old Testament do not mention that the flood didn't occur on the entire planet, and not all people died. Many were saved on the peaks of the mountains and part in the second ark, in which Yalta Baoth placed representatives of Cain's branch.
When Noah and his family stayed in their ark, dark simply broke in and turned them into degenerates. Their DNA, physical and wave, and causal bodies were mutilated, into which black archons put their plug-ins. Therefore, after 40 days, completely different people came out of Noah's ark, not as Seth's absolutized descendants, but as carriers of the dark's genes.
To this day, representatives of both branches do not differ from each other. We are used to thinking that our DNA is something divine, godlike, pure, and bright, believing a lot of channelers, with which the internet is stuffed. In fact, the DNA of modern man is not made by absolute pleroma or co-creators, but by gray and black cosmic races, not as a store of light and knowledge, but as a garbage dump.
Unfortunately, this is a sad reality. Therefore, raising our vibrations, and by them cleansing and absolutizing our DNA, rebooting it, and taking in an upgraded evolution, soft in source codes, is the most important task today. Then, and only then, we could leave 3D forever and enter a new fifth density.
We must understand that DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a solely physical bio substance, a three-dimensional manifestation of our monad matrix. And the wave causal DNA is a projection of its matrix into the greater cosmos's infinity, in all its dimensions and spaces. This is what we have remembered in our inner work.
In the evening, the group returned to Damascus, and the next day went to the new operation spot, this time in Palmyra. In the distant past, there was a space complex that worked with pleroma. And just like the temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, greys and darks turned it into a place of torture, executions, and mass sacrifices, which resumed with renewed vigor when ISIS seized this place.
The epicenter of the crimes was the temple of Bel, or Baal. From the ritual altars, where people were killed, stone paved channels, along which blood flowed, formed a black magic mandala. The main conduit went to another part of the temple square, where a blood collection tank was built, to which only the dark priests had access, running the cruel rites.
There, nowadays darks on the subtle plane, with the IS militants' help on the surface, siphoned off the life force from captured victims. Staying in the temple of Baal, light warriors cleansed this place from karmic dirt. Then, they installed in the sanctum field, a copy of the pleroma's matrix, formed by their heart's aspects.
This work marked the beginning of slow energetic restoration of the entire local territory for its transition into 5D. And a day later, the ground team conducted the final operation, the site of which was the Cave of the Blood, or Magherat al-Dam, where Cain killed Abel, and not in the field as the Bible described. It is located in the middle of Mount Qasioun, towering over modern Damascus.
Now, like other holy places, it is inside the mosque. The keepers are appointed for life, and transfer their powers by inheritance through the male line. The Cave of the Blood was identical with the Karmic Portal on the Temple Mount in today's Jerusalem, where once Yaldabaoth defiled Eve.
But the karma of Eve as a result of adultery is in no way comparable to the karma of the first murder committed by Cain. After that, Mount Qasioun became a channel through which Black and Gray Archons actively dumped their karma on Earth and Earthlings. At various times, Elijah, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Lot, Job, Melchizedek, and Jesus Christ visited and purified this place that testifies to its importance.
They also cleared the Karmic Labyrinth under the cave, linked with the former Black Aeons and Saturn. Co-creators entrusted light warriors to carry out the culminating op together, with the spiritual presence and participation of all higher beings who worked in the Cave of the Blood. For about a day before it started, the ground team tuned in and sync with their monads.
Then they united and formed a single collective heart. Through it, co-creators put copies of the crystals of Pleroma and Absolute Light into the Karmic Labyrinth and Cave. After that, by collective efforts, they all together pulled out the Karmic Anchor, to which Cain, by his actions, pinned the entire humanity for millennia.
This is how Light Warrior's operations in Syria and Lebanon ended, another episode in the big and difficult prep of the Earth's transition into 5D. But there is still a lot of work ahead for co-creators, their ground team, and us on our personal level. On Oro9.09, at Oro 9.09, AMUT, via a single hierarchical channel, came an update concerning how Karma would be weighed after the Earth's new Logos activation.
Today, the main negativity is accumulated in the Wilds of Pedigrees. Karma is dosed on people who incarnate to fully clean up their family trees. This process is coming to the finish line, because the time before the transition into 5D is shortening, and before that we need to cleanse our genes completely.
For transitioning into 4D, the Karma-forming acts will be considered any deeds which result in a reality's distortion. That is, many new actions will be added to the list of causes. For example, our mental and emotional reactions and states, which earlier didn't lead to the Karma's increase.
And to work it out, we'll have to restore the distorted space, or instantly get a knockout blow from the damaged field. And another novelty. If we completely clear our causal body, on which Karma concentrates, we'll no longer need it.
Its functions, accumulation of events' energy, will move to other levels of our multidimensional body, where negativity simply has nowhere to anchor. The level of our responsibility, awareness, and self-control should rise to the highest. So we'll have to control ourselves to stay alive.
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