Live Chat with Paul; -192- Mojos Forest Lights + SWR506&Beyond + More UFO vids analyzed solved

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Interview with Mojos Sky watcher filming
forest again + Skinwalker ranch S506 review and Beyond Skinwalker S201
and various UFO alleged captures analyzed like Gabbers Claims on AstroTrain
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and audio with guest Joe (MoJo) a Sky watcher who filmed amazing
footage in 2011
[00:06:27] (2) Main Topic Begins - Introducing MoJo and background history
[00:12:00] (2b) Quick Re-Cap Alien Grey 2011 footage Paul enhanced
[00:16:00] (2c) Talk Sky Watching Cameras
[00:18:27 (2d) Back to 2011 footage
[00:22:45] (2e) MoJo's new footage for 2024
of orb lights in forest but is it aliens? or military?
[00:27:00] (2f) Paul recommends Expedition
Bigfoot as they caught some credible evidence
of orbs in Oregon and expedition X had a episode there too
for cattle Mutils.
[00:29:00] (2h) Aliexpress to buy radaition meters and tri-field EMF
meters for $30-40usd each and IP dual night vision cameras from
like Paul {eg}
[00:35:00] (2i) how to make these cameras mobile using a 12v gel battery
[00:50:00] (3) Ok Back to MoJos best video captures in the forest
[00:58:00[ (3b) flip back to portable gel and li-on batteries can use
[01:02:00] (3c) Back to the videos again! lol
[01:18:00] (3d) Daylight footage then overlay with night
[01:28:00] (4) Aliens and Lights moving between the Trees?
[01:34:00] (4b) UFO with door open looks like a LCD screen but is not
[01:42:00] (4c) The UFO from 2011 side view and the front view
[02:00:00] (5) Native Indian Blood and Venus Lady Texas Abduction account
[02:07:00] (6) Scott Browne on the side.. hard questions about Torch etc hoaxing
[02:16:00] (7) Mojos and Disc UK are the 2 most credible alien footages in Pauls opinion
[02:28:00] (8) Mojo leaves and Paul has a mini-break before resuming 2 hrs more
[02:31:46] (9) Paul is back, Now UFOman Tim promoting some analysis
GabberRoo did on 18wheels a Astrotrain.. But Paul shows its just a Jet
at 30k feet with a similar case by Truck Driver 6 years earlier!
[02:41;00] (9b) Now compare to a similar case with a Jet crossing motorway
[03:04:29] (10) Yes the sunsetting can cause a split in the color in the sky!
[03:07:36] (11) SKinwalker Ranch S05E06 best evidence and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
S02E01 best captures and finds as well.. but is there a problem with them? Explain them
another way! YES!!
[03:21:00] (12) Lureviews Dumb**** thought he could get away with dead files airing
[03:26:00] (12) Zondo's Screen play HUH HUH!
[03:26:37] (13) Ross Coulthart boring nothing burger speech
at SCU group and insults debunkers being in basements
and with mommy
[03:41:00] (14) What is a UFO? Paul gives his summary
[03:42:00] (15) Various other tweets of the week.. to wrap up

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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