THE POISON NEEDLE & THE LEGAL SHIELD – How they “Legalized” Mass Genocide

6 months ago

Does anyone wonder how they could approve and even mandate these mRNA’s that have never been tested on humans before and say they were safe & effective?

How they could they could legalize breaking the Nuremberg Codes?

How they could avoid FDA Regulation?

How the entire FDA Approval Process was Legally Bypassed?

How they could censor doctors for prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?

Here’s How Illegal "Pseudo-Laws" Have Allowed the U.S. Gov’t to Deploy the C-19-Injection Bioweapons on Americans, and Given Legal Immunity to Those Who Administer The Kill Shots.

Although many prominent voices in the “health freedom movement” espouse the idea that the C19 injections are pharmaceutical products, they are not. This is unequivocal. Therefore, they are beholden to no FDA regulations, and cannot be regulated by the FDA.

You heard correct. They are not considered “pharmaceutical products.”

In a pair of videos released earlier this year, retired pharmaceutical industry R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes, in detail—with all “the receipts”—how the C19 injections are, in fact, in a class of their own, so to speak; one NOT REGULATED BY THE FDA.

In this first clip from a conversation between Latypova and writer and paralegal Katherine Watt, Latypova explains how there are three regulatory pathways for pharmaceutical drugs, which are “normal regulatory pathways, where we don’t have an emergency announcement.” Latypova notes that these pathways include investigational use of the product; FDA-approved drugs; investigational drugs (if you want to introduce a new drug, then you need to clinical trial it across state lines); and drugs made available under “expanded access use.”

Expanded access use, Latypova notes, is “a more recent evolution” of regulatory law, which was put into place in 1997. Since then, expanded access use has allowed for the use of experimental drugs in “desperate situations.”

The fourth regulatory pathway is the one used for the C19 injections: “EUA countermeasures under a public health emergency.” Latypova notes that for an “EUA under public health emergency, none of these normal FDA regulations apply in an enforceable manner.” This is why Latypova and Watt refer to the supposed FDA regulation and approval of the C19 injections as “performance art.”

The injections are EUA countermeasures deployed under a public health emergency. Per the law, they cannot be regulated as pharmaceutical drugs.

Specifically, Latypova notes that there is “no requirement for an IRB - an institutional review board or informed consent…” She adds, “investigational new drug regulations don’t apply, and clinical trial data is not required.”

Latypova notes that this is why when clinical trial investigator Brook Jackson observed fraud at Pfizer’s C19-injection clinical trial sites in Texas, reported it, and started litigating, the judge dismissed her case—because any fraud that existed was “immaterial.”

So, there you go. When a Judge says that Fraud is “IMMATERIAL” meaning that it is no longer a CRIME because they “Legalized” it through this EUA – Emergency Use Authorization – that’s the same as legalizing Mass Genocide.

This Judge, in effect, said murder in this sense, is just fine.

When you have Judges that enforce Nazi laws, what Justice is there?

But this is why the WHO wants a Treaty with the entire World. It is all about Declaring “Health Emergencies” which opens the door for Emergency Use Authorization, which means the public must take “Experimental Vaccines” and it means all parties involved with pushing the vaccines cannot be held liable for the injuries and deaths that result.

The WHO would tell the US Secretary of Health and Human Services that we have a World Emergency and the Secretary of HHS would follow these orders and Declare this Emergency and this would in effect legalize the use of “Experimental Drugs & Devices” (see source #2) which would more than likely result in injuries, long-term illnesses (like long covid vaccine syndrome) and deaths and it would be in the name of “Health & Protection”, but anyone with some common sense can read between the b.s. and see how this is “legalizing” murder.

It’s just Crazy.

Here is another video from Sasha Latypova → ***Sasha Latypova –“FDA Fully Aware Covid Vaccines Would Cause Cancer” “Premeditated Crime” – They Knew --


1. Sense Receptor --

2. The Fraud filed in Federal Register on 1/25/2024 -- Authorization of Emergency Use of Certain Medical Devices During COVID-19; Availability --,the%20authorization%20of%20emergency%20use.


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END. 6/16/2024 – 3:00 PM

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