The Warden "Interview With Art Beeler". EP #8-2022

3 months ago

The first 7 minutes of the video had no audio so it was cut sorry for the inconvenience.
Art Beeler has worked his entire adult life in institutional corrections. He began his career at the Federal Reformatory, Petersburg, Virginia, and retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2009. After retiring, he has provided consultation services for the Division of Prisons in North Carolina, he has taught at the university level, spent a year working in an alternative school, and went to Afghanistan for a year as a Rule of Law lead for Corrections. He is a member of the North Carolina Sentencing Commission and the Commission for Indigent Services. He continues to advocate for the smart reentry of formerly incarcerated men and women. Mr. Beeler is married with one daughter and a wonderful granddaughter Lilly.

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