Bill Gates Sounded The Alarm. "To Be Ready!"

4 months ago

Bill Gates was right! Many people was not prepared for the last pandemic, which is another reason there may have been such a huge amount of vaccine injuries/deaths. Many people had jobs & schools requiring the vaccines shots. Those who didn't want to take the shot, but did, had no religious exemption to benefit from. Order your book today, "HOW COVID-19, VACCINES, TEST KITS, AND THE WHOLE PANDEMIC STAND ON POLITCIAL SCIENCE." There is an established religious exemption for its members and potential members /followers in the 4th chapter, tenets and rules concerning the individuals health against all vaccinations by our religious, sincerely held beliefs. The book also shows examples of how to create a formal Vaccine Declination Statement with applicable laws, and citations on where to find them. Share with others who may be in need such information. I created that picture of Bill Gates holding Kryptonite (a book), that goes against his own desires of having you vaccinated (over & over again). We all know what a huge advocate and supporter for vaccines he is. So what better way to fight back by preparing yourselves and ruining Bills (and the rest of them) plans to get you vaccinated with their poison?

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