Music-Loving Doctors Have Made Headphones That Create The Perfect Sound

6 years ago

For the first time in their lives, these people experience Audeara: the first full fidelity headphones in the world. Audeara headphones were a design and invention of doctors and engineers joining heir forces and knowledge in order to provide you with an auditory experience like never before.

Music-loving doctors have created the world's first ever headphones that create "perfect" sound - using a built-in hearing test. The pioneering Audeara set is designed to reduce hearing loss by tailoring its sounds to a user's individual's ability to hear. Doctors Chris Jeffery and James Fielding invented the £299.99 device after getting fed up with their patients waiting for hearing tests.

“I have never thought I have heard the Holidays like this before,“ exclaims an overwhelmed test subject and definitely a potential buyer of these revolutionary headphones.

And how could she? Headphones are nothing but tiny speakers set to rest on your ears, therefore the level of innovation required to achieve such difference in sound quality has been quite impressive. The Audeara headphones feature noise-canceling options and immensely improve the wireless sound quality. The idea of the Audeara product is that it utilizes the audiogram technologies on which hearing tests are based, thus allowing the user to tailor the sound on the basis of the level of their hearing capacities or hearing loss, making the sound a unique and superior for every individual.

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