Andrew Bridgen: About 10 and 20 Million People Died From the Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine Worldwide

4 months ago

04/29/2024 UK MP Andrew Bridgen: The evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful is overwhelming, and there's more evidence every week. But many MPs maintain that the vaccine is safe and effective, they’ve got blood on their hands. There are about 10 and 20 million people that have been killed by these experimental vaccines worldwide, and it's still going up. I think it's going to be a bigger crime than the Holocaust.
04/29/2024 英国议员安德鲁·布里根:有关新冠疫苗有害的证据已经十分确凿了,而且每周都有新的证据出现。但许多议员仍坚称疫苗是安全有效的,他们的双手沾满了鲜血。全球已有大约1000万至2000万人被这种实验性疫苗杀死,而且这个数字还在上升。我认为这是比纳粹大屠杀还要严重的罪行。

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