5 months ago

a role model for pedos
The Greek = #13 = Persona Non Grata (VPN needed) The Official Disclaimer for ALL of my intellectual property presentment: Besides the fact that you cannot incite violence in the middle of a WAR, my content has one purpose, and that is providing objective content based in facts available at the time of relese in order to provide context, alternative solutions that aren't designed to evoke emotional responses. I am not homicidal, suicidal, or trying to spark a revolutution. I am trying to encourage others how to do proper research and verification of sources and how to recognise social engineering as a major component designed to distort perception and logic. This educational content is not intended to, and DOES NOT INCITE OTHERS TO ENGAGE IN VIOLENCE OR ANY OTHER UNLAWFUL ACTIVITY AGAINST ISRAEL, THEJEWS,USA INC.[Its Employees or contractors] OR ANY OTHER PERSON.

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