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CONVERGENCE: The Solar Eclipse, CERN, Lucifer, The Vatican, And Reptilian Venom Peptides

10 months ago

The Alex Jones Show

Mike Adams breaks down the many converging points coming together on April 8th during the solar eclipse.


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  • Stop fooling yourself. Stop letting others fool you. God tells us exactly how this world will end, and it's not asteroids, viruses, WW3, aliens from outer space, or climate change. He will never baptize this earth with water again. He has promised that the next baptism will be with fire. Remember that several people in the Bible were thrown into the fire and were not burned. Stop distracting people from turning to God and POINT PEOPLE TO HIM! These Luciferians do find power in this kind of event. I'm sure there will be a myriad of blood sacrifice rituals performed during the eclipse. Their power is only to get their way in this world. Lucifer deceives them into believing that they will get power in other worlds as well. But it's a lie. The only way to be fully healthy, complete, and righteous is to believe in the One whom God sent for our salvation, Jesus Christ. For there is only one name, given among men, under Heaven, by which we must be saved. He is the creator, not the created.