Cross-shaped UFO on Video over Jerusalem

6 months ago

In Jerusalem, multiple witnesses have reported seeing a mysterious, cross-shaped luminous object in the sky. This event is not an isolated incident, as similar sightings have occurred before, leading to speculation about why these phenomena are drawn to the area.

During a clear, starlit night, both locals and tourists observed this glowing entity that initially seemed like a star but revealed a cross-like shape upon closer examination. Although it emitted light as bright as a star, details became ambiguous when zoomed in on, adding to the mystery.

One resident noted the difficulty in photographing the object clearly, with most images turning out blurry except for one. This challenge with modern smartphone cameras has been common among those attempting to document such illuminated objects at night.

The radiant cross stood out against the dark sky, captivating onlookers with its striking appearance. As it moved closer and grew larger, what was first thought to be a stationary star was identified as a cross with a brilliant core, yet specifics remained elusive due to its intense brightness.

Witnesses described the object as a pure embodiment of light, underscoring the enigmatic nature of these recurring sightings over Jerusalem.

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