Williams on the Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti: I Think We Have the First Haitian American in Congress, She Still Has Family in Haiti, This Is Heartbreaking

6 months ago

Sharpton: “Now, I am out of time, but I have to bring this up before I let you go, I have to ask about the humanitarian crisis in haiti. We are hearing reports the coast guard is sending back migrants fleeing the political violence there, and in Florida Governor DeSantis is deploying national guard troops to turn away would be asylum-seekers. Now, in my capacity as head of national action network, I have called for the Biden Administration to hold an emergency meeting with myself and national urban league president to discuss the situation. I still have vivid memories of meeting with Haitian asylum- seekers in 2021 after border agent patrols were photographed chasing them on horseback. How do we make sure Haitian people are given the help that they need to, instead of being treated as pawns in our domestic debate over immigration?”

WILLIAMS: “Reverened al, I think we have the first Haitian-American in Congress right now, congresswoman mccormick. He still has family in haiti, this is a heartbreaking situation, and when we are prioritizing humanitarian aid for all of these other countries, we need to make sure that haiti is included in this conversation. That is the next step. When we passed a funding bill for foreign aid, we must make sure that haiti is included in this conversation and getting the aid that they need.”

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