Odds and Ends Alt-Tech Exclusive 6 Lineage of the Minnesota Apple Breeding Program

6 months ago

Donate Link: ⁠buymeacoffee.com/?via=bajes94L⁠


Howard, N. P., Weg, E. Van De, Bedford, D. S., Peace, C. P., Vanderzande, S., Clark, M. D., … Luby, J. J. (2017). Elucidation of the ‘ Honeycrisp ’ pedigree through haplotype analysis with a multi-family integrated SNP linkage map and a large apple ( Malus × domestica ) pedigree-connected SNP data set. Nature Publishing Group, 4(January), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1038/hortres.2017.3
Luby, J. J., Howard, N. P., Tillman, J. R., & Bedford, D. S. (2022). Extended Pedigrees of Apple Cultivars from the University of Minnesota Breeding Program Elucidated Using SNP Array Markers. HortScience, 57(3), 472–477. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI16354-21

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