Mary Amy Interview with Shayna Blackmar Reiki Master & Sound Healer

7 months ago

Shayna Blackmar:
#soundhealing #healer #reikimaster #intuitive #singingbowl
Shayna Blackmar, and I am a Certified Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Intuitive Healer, and Ascension Guide. I am also an intuitive catalyst and guide to assist in the body's natural healing and ascension process. I have been using reiki on myself, friends, family and clients for years to assist in raising the vibration to higher frequencies in order to vibrate out of disease, illness and pain. Everything is vibration, so the higher we can vibrate, the healthier we are because there is no disease at high frequencies. I maintain a high frequency, so that I can best serve my clients. I am a conduit of high frequencies helping tune and recalibrate the vibrations higher for your health and well-being, and I offer intuitive guidance that comes through during sessions.
I am also trained in Sound Healing and incorporate crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, gong and chimes into healing sessions to magnify the healing experience. Sound Baths are available as well for powerful healing, cleansing and relaxing experiences.
I offer a Healing Empowerment Course which is a powerful, private and individualized healing journey. The course includes 8 one hour private one-on-one healing and mentoring sessions weekly. You will be guided deeply through the chakras in order to heal old wounds and past traumas that are held in the chakras from this lifetime and past lifetimes. There is also a past life regression included as well as identifying your archetypes (unconscious energy patterns and symbology). This all works together to bring healing at the deepest levels via love, forgiveness, high vibrations and higher perspectives.
#soundhealer #energyhealer #intuitive #healing
Thank you, Shayna Blackmar
Instagram: @vurushahealing
Facebook: @shaynablackmar

I offer a Healing Empowerment Course which is a powerful, private and individualized healing journey. The course includes 8 one hour private one-on-one healing and mentoring sessions weekly. You will be guided deeply through the chakras in order to heal old wounds and past traumas that are held in the chakras from this lifetime and past lifetimes. There is also a past life regression included as well as identifying your archetypes (unconscious energy patterns and symbology). This all works together to bring healing at the deepest levels via love, forgiveness, high vibrations and higher perspectives.

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