Article 4666 Video - A Force of Habit - Sunday, February 18, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4666 Video - A Force of Habit - Sunday, February 18, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

People often ask me--- how can I spot a lie so easily?

It's simple. Stop lying. When you stop lying -- and I do mean stop lying about anything at all, ever, whether it's the existence of Santa Claus or why you were late for a meeting, your Shinola Sensor rumbles to life.

When you align yourself with truth, all the lies become apparent by contrast; whereas, if you are lying and everyone else is lying, it's all one miasma.

It's the same thing with evil. If you align with evil (which is the opposite of live) then you become dead inside; you no longer feel and care.

Life becomes a background noise; you exist, but you aren't really living. Your life itself becomes enslaved to someone (or something) else's schedule and direction.

Soon, you are doing everything by rote. No creativity or individuality is needed. No courage, either. Just drone on. Go through the motions. Be a good little soldier. And don't question what you are fighting for. Don't question anything at all. Full stop.

This insidious process by which you are slowly reduced to mere existence is evil.

Nobody teaches us to know that, hey, this is evil.... that only becomes apparent by contrast, too, when
you shift your focus and start to live on your own terms again.

Seeing that I can recognize both falsehood and evil, people come to me for wisdom. I assure you, that you all have the same abilities. What you most likely lack, and I lacked for a time, too, is courage.

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