1 year ago

The majority of people living on this earth are completely blind to what is prophetically unfolding before their very eyes, totally unaware that one day soon their lives along with the established economic and social order is going to change in an instant. Those same souls have absolutely no idea that these life changing events are going to bring utter chaos and unimaginable fear and terror to their own doorsteps.

There is a spiritual aspect behind the great reset and the horrific events which are about to come upon this earth, because this is biblical.

I can categorically say without a question of a doubt that the red horse of the Apocalypse is worldwide communism that will be BRUTALLY ENFORCED upon the unsuspecting masses under the deceptive guise of peace, security, economic and environmental sustainability, which are simply being used a smokescreen to usher in the prophetic end of days system and kingdom of the beast, as well as the destruction of biblical Christianity and the moral laws of governance by which mankind has thrived for centuries.

It's now time to make peace with God if you haven't already done so, because we are now in the final phase of the luciferian 2030 agenda great reset of the world, in which the biblical Antichrist is going to reign over the nations and people of this world for 42 months. His appearing is upon us and he knows that when he takes power over the nations that his time will be short. Therefore he will set out to destroy as many souls as possible before his short reign comes to a bitter and fiery end.

Revelation 12:12
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having [great wrath], because he knows that he hath but a [short time].

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