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As we remember, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s accomplishments in bringing people together, we should at the same time, make sure to keep focus on the fact that new divisions are being placed in front of us every day. While thinking over the events that took place during his advocacy, something incredibly terrifying hit me.
Tonight’s livestream is the first one that scares me a little. To stumble across something that you have honestly never heard another person make the connection on is a little uneasy to say the least, but that’s why this page is called what it is.
I will simply set it up by saying this……
Our countries problem is not racism
Our countries problem is not division
Our countries problem is not prejudice
Our countries problem is not corrupt politicians
Our countries problem is not the satanic entertainment industry
Our countries problem is not people like Jeffrey Epstein, nor the disgusting people who took part in his debauchery……….
All of these things have merely been tools the entire time of the actual problem. If you start tracing back in time, the problem supersedes any of the moments/people/time from which you feel like they came from.
Tonight we address what/who I feel is the real problem. The fact that I never made disconnection makes me think that there’s lots of others who likely did not either!

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