Vulchers In The Night

9 months ago

Early on in my path of disability, I wasn't receiving the type of health care that could have redirected my path, becoming self sufficient wasn't part of the systems agenda, unless, however, you were still young and able bodied to go back into the "work force"(slave system) in service of those who can't profit enough to save their lives.
I was quickly identified by the bottom feeder class, as someone who bucks the system(asks questions), and at various times within the first year or so of no longer able to work, I was approached by those who offered me positions within their street hustling cons and money making scams....I refused every offer, even though I was now homeless, very little income from SSDI, I knew this was a definite cross roads of my life journey, and I refused to sell my soul, for comforts of this world! So, 15 years later, survived a deathbed ride of 2 1/2 years, while focusing on storing my treasures in heaven, not here, in the beast system. It has been tough, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...🙏👍🙏

Dennis C Durbin
PO Box 174
Wellton, Az 85356

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