BPD Do Borderlines Play Mind Games?

14 years ago

BPD Do Borderlines Play Mind Games?

Do Borderlines play mind games? They are not all the same. Do they do this consciously on purpose or not? It varies is the answer. More often than not untreated they are not aware of how they are impacting you which is doesn't make it acceptable.

Author, Life Coach, Counsellor, BPD and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari, who herself recovered from BPD and who has been in the non borderline role and understanding of BPD, speaks to the question - do people with Borderline Personality Disorder play mind games?

So many assume that everything a person with Borderline Personality Disorder does is basically all manipulation. Mental Health challenges such as Borderline Personality are very much relational challenges. It is important for bpd loved ones to set boundaries and for those with Borderline Personality Disorder to gain more awareness about how others perceive or experience them. It is equally important to continue to work at understanding Borderline Personality Disorder. Understanding the difference between the person with Borderline Personality Disorder and their behavior. That does not mean condoning or accepting abusive or inappropriate behavior but it does mean being mindful on both sides of Borderline Personality Disorder as to what is being experienced and why.

Some of the links in this video are no longer mine.

https://ajmahari.ca - Contact - Blog - Sessions - Podcast


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