Box opening and discussion of Hymnal from Melody Publications

1 year ago

Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, a Baptist Hymnal, published by Melody Publications.
Baptist because they researched the songs and hymns included.
Baptist because they identified scriptural support for the selections included.
Baptist because they advocate the inclusion of scriptural songs from non-Baptists, an extension of the doctrine of soul liberty.
An excellent Hymnal, and worthy of consideration for your congregation.
#BaptistDoctrine #BaptistHistory #BibleBelieving #KingJamesBible #PreachTheWord #BaptistHymnal #Hymnal #Hymns #Songs #SpiritualSongs #Psalms #Psalms&Hymns&SpiritualSongs #BiblicalSinging #SoundDoctrine #BiblicallySound

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