Hound: A Transformers Story Episode 56: Day Of Reckoning

1 year ago

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Dreadwind: Lord Megatron, we have acquired the shard of the AllSpark.
Megatron: Excellent, find a city at once and activate the shard when in it. I want my army.
Dreadwind: I have a particular city in mind. What is happening in Chicago?
Megatron: Starscream has destroyed Optimus' ship, meaning he will never be a problem for us, we are about to seize the city. This will be the day of our victory.
Hound: So, Dreadwind has the shard of the AllSpark, it may be the last one.
Reynolds: Unless the Decepticons still have the one they used to resurrect Megatron.
Crosshairs: Perhaps another group of those bozos has a shard too.
Prowl: Do you think they'll take it to Megatron?
Bulkhead: It's certain they will. We should try and find out where Megatron is.
Attinger: Major Reynolds, come in, this is Commander Attinger.
Reynolds: Hold on, yes Commander Attinger?
Attinger: You have to bring as many of your soldiers as possible to Chicago, it's under attack!
Reynolds: Under attack, by who?
Attinger: Cybertronians, one of them has been sighted and it's the Decepticon leader.
Reynolds: Megatron. Don't worry commander. I'll send as many squads as I can in their jets.
Hound: The hell's going on?
Reynolds: I think I've found where Megatron is. Chicago is under attack. I’ve gotta broadcast a message to our jets out there.
Prowl: Then that's where Sentinel will be, he's working with Megatron!
Bulkhead: We gotta tell Prime about this!
Hound: Prime, do you copy?
Optimus: Prime here.
Hound: You're gonna be pleased about this, we've just found out where Sentinel is trying to bring Cybertron to Earth at. He's in Chicago with Megatron and a large army of Decepticons.
Optimus: Thank you Hound, myself and my group will head there at once.
Crosshairs: There's a chance Dreadwind will be there too with the AllSpark shard he stole.
Optimus: When we get there I'll have Que scan the city to find him. In the meantime, patrol where you are to make sure there are no Decepticons outside of Chicago. All those lives taken in the attack will be avenged and Sentinel will be stopped, no matter the cost.
Hound: Sure thing Prime, we'll search the surrounding area when the sun comes up. Good luck in Chicago. Hound out.

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