Marijuana's Unfair Stigma

10 months ago

Even after many states, across the country, have legalized medical and recreational cannabis, there is still a stigma that is tied to its use.
If you think one person can’t make a difference, tell it to Joel Davis. Born with scoliosis and other physical challenges, grassroots activism gave Joel a new lease on life. Organizing tea parties, walking door-to-door and hammering yard signs, and testifying in favor of medical marijuana was just the beginning. Joel took the tools he learned as a citizen activist back to his hometown and began applying new skills to help fix problems in his local community. Using Facebook and knocking on every door in his precinct, he won a seat on the city counsel. He is now the new mayor of Paden City. The tools he used to succeed in politics are now the means of growing community involvement in local challenges, and creating new transparency in government service.

Still think one person can’t make a difference? Ask Joel how to get it done.

If you think one person can’t make a difference, tell it to Joel Davis. Born with scoliosis and other physical challenges, grassroots activism gave Joel a new lease on life. Organizing tea parties, walking door-to-door and hammering yard signs, and testifying in favor of medical marijuana was just the beginning. Joel took the tools he learned as a citizen activist back to his hometown and began applying new skills to help fix problems in his local community. Using Facebook and knocking on every door in his precinct, he won a seat on the city counsel. He is now the new mayor of Paden City. The tools he used to succeed in politics are now the means of growing community involvement in local challenges, and creating new transparency in government service.

Still think one person can’t make a difference? Ask Joel how to get it done.
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Free the People’s mission is simple—to make the values of liberty entertaining, accessible, and human. Free the People deliberately explores issues that bridge the partisan divide—topics like criminal justice reform, health care choice, and opposing corporate cronyism. We produce documentary films, video web series, and podcasts that illuminate the people and ideas changing the world for the better. We reach audiences across the political spectrum as a rational but passionate voice for liberty.

Free the People specializes in video production, creative storytelling, and social media engagement. We are building a community of people who believe in the values of freedom, entrepreneurship, individual responsibility, choice, and peaceful cooperation. Free the People finds and tells stories of people affecting positive change in their community through entrepreneurship and innovation. We defend free choice in everything from drug policy, to health care and retirement, to every aspect of the sharing economy. Our values, like "equal treatment under the law" and "innocent until proven guilty," animate fights for criminal justice reform. We tell the stories of people who have lived through the hardships of authoritarianism and collectivism throughout history. We show our viewers that beautiful things can happen when free people come together to make the world a better place.

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