Exodus 10 Bible Study, God unleashes a plague of locusts and plunges Egypt into darkness.

1 year ago

In Exodus 10 we see plagues 8 and 9 unleashed on Pharaoh and on Egypt. Plague 8 is the plague of locusts which decimate any remaining living vegetation in the land of Egypt. The 9th plague is the plague of darkness which engulfs Egypt in 3 days of darkness you can feel. God sets Goshen apart (the land where the Israelites live), providing them with light. Pharaoh’s heart is hardened by God to ensure His plan for Egypt and Israel unfolds (Exodus 10.1-3).

01:21 - Exodus 10.1-20 - Plague 8 - Locusts
05:11 - Exodus 10.1-2 - The Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart. “So that I may perform these signs… and you may know that I am the Lord.”
Exodus 10.2 - Reference to Generations. What happens in Egypt is meant to be shared.
06:52 - who is God to manipulate Pharaoh’s heart?
Revelation 16 - “true and just are your judgments” -
Romans 3.23 - we have all fallen short, we have all sinned.
Romans 6.23 - the wages of sin are death.
We are all guilty and deserve death. A dark opening, but there is a bright finish today!
10:30 - Locusts - overview, what are locusts? Why do they swarm?
11:52 - Three (of many) major locust swarms in world history
11:57 - Albert’s Swarm - 1875 Midwest-western locust swarm
13:12 - 1915 Ottoman Syria locust infestation
14:12 - 2019-2022 - East Africa Locust Infestation
15:11 - Joel 1.6-12 - a vivid picture of a locust swarm
18:48 - Exodus 10.13 - East wind & west wind (the locusts likely came from the Arabian peninsula)
20:22 - Exodus 10.7 - Pharaoh’s Officials plead with him, “Egypt is ruined”
21:17 - Exodus 10.8-11 - Pharaoh is the swindler, the negotiator. Compare this verse in different translations
26:08 - Exodus 10.11 - Moses and Aaron were driven out of Pharaoh’s presence.
26:19 - Exodus 10.16 - “I have sinned - take this deadly plague away”
27:26 - Egyptian gods being challenged through the plagues
of Locusts (Nut, Osiris & Set)
28:41 - Exodus 10.21-29
31:20 - The Plague of Darkness
Genesis 1.1-3. God takes away the light of His creation
33:12 - What Egyptian god is attacked by taking away the sun?
Ra the Egyptian sun god - a plague of darkness is an attack on Ra
An attack on Ra is an attack on the Egyptian pantheon of Gods and on Pharaoh.
36:50 - Exodus 10.24 - Pharaoh is always the negotiator.
38:28 - Exodus 10.27-29 - Pharaoh sends Moses away with a warning.
39:48 - Context is key!
Scripture on Darkness: Isaiah 8.22 - digging deeper Isaiah 8.22-9.2, then Matthew
Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.

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Books used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.
Other versions used in this study:

NKJV - New King James Version
NLV - New Living Translation
AMP - Amplified Bible

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.
Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/exodus-niv-application-commentary/peter-enns/9780310206071/pd/0206073?event=ESRCG

Walton, John H.. Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Vol 1. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009.

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