Moments Before Being Euthanized, Intern Discovers The Real Reason Behind Dog’s Paralysis !!!

6 years ago

The dog lived in the family and was a beloved pet. But then Collie named Ollie became suddenly paralyzed and euthanasia seemed the only solution at that time. The reason for its condition was not determined. The doggy was always healthy and nobody knew what caused it.
The condition was very severe. The dog could not even empty its bladder, so owners had to take it to the vet twice a day to have the bladder emptied. Nothing brought relief so the they scheduled the euthanasia but when the owner came to say the final good-bye man noticed the bump behind the year. It was the tick and it was the source of dog’s paralysis.
Ticks have a neurotoxin in the saliva preventing nerve transition to muscles. It accumulates in the body and causes paralysis. When tick was removed, Ollie was full of life in 10 hours already!

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