Oct 20, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 51:12-Russia/US see regional war, Trump offers Israel Visit More!

11 months ago

Oct 20, 2023 - Watchman News - Psalm 51:12 - Russia and US see regional war: "Israel's ground operation will fail - Leads to Iran involvement and use of nukes", "Smell" Yom Kippur- Jordan-Egypt joint ultimatum: "Israel to stop the attack on Gaza- We are facing a generalized war", New evidence reveals North Korea played a role in Hamas' ruthless assault on Israel, Trump offers to visit Israel, Canada facing ‘a very scary rise of anti-Semitism’, U.S. State Department issues 'worldwide caution' alert as tensions in the Middle East soar, US intercepted Iranian attack with drones and cruise missiles from Yemen targeting Israel- UAVs targeted US bases in Syria and Iraq, Weaponized Drones attack US military base in southern Syria injuring troops, The Israeli Army's plan to invade Gaza: Total occupation of the Strip and reduction of its area through Buffer Zone - Will get a port & connection to Cyprus, Iran orders general attack on Israel: US gives IDF thousands of artillery shells intended for Ukraine and More!

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Psalm 51:12 (New King James Version)
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

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Trevis Dampier
4111-e Rose Lake Rd #696
Charlotte, NC 28217

Understanding of ARM vs Right Hand of Revelation 13;16-18 –

The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments –

Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (vBride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 –


Key Watch Times with Translation to the Gregorian Dates in the Graph Link Below using the Current Torah Calendar, Torah Calendar One Month Off, God’s Sun (Sun enters Constellation)/Moon Calendar (Counting Moon entering Constellations), Zadok Priestly Calendar and Enoch Calendar.

Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Please repent and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross for payment for your sins.

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

Trevis Dampier Ministries
4111-e Rose Lake Rd #696
Charlotte, NC 28217
Email - trevisdampierministries@outlook.com

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Romans 10:9 - If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved

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