Chronicle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: events of October 14-16, 2023

11 months ago

▪️On Friday,
the Israel Defense Forces concentrated a large amount of manpower and equipment along the perimeter of the border with the Gaza Strip.
Israeli troops are preparing for a ground operation; their positions are regularly shelled by militants.
▪️ In addition to shelling, Palestinian groups periodically make incursions into Israeli positions.
Several clashes occurred near Sufa and Nirim, where the Palestinians managed to wound fighters and damage equipment with an ATGM strike.
▪️ On the night from Saturday to Sunday, Israeli aircraft again fired rockets at the Aleppo airfield in Syria.
This was preceded by shelling of Israeli positions in the occupied Golan Heights from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.
▪️ On Sunday, the situation on the Israeli-Lebanese border sharply worsened, and fighting with Hezbollah began.
The group's fighters attacked several IDF strongholds along the northern border, wounding several fighters and damaging surveillance systems.
▪️ Throughout these days, massive shelling of Israeli rear areas and areas close to the Gaza Strip has continued.
Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beer Sheva came under Palestinian attacks, and several people were wounded.
▪️ Armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces continue unabated in the West Bank.
Over the past week, 60 people were killed in the region, more than a thousand were injured.
▪️ In the Gaza Strip, mass flight of civilians from Israeli bombing to the south of the enclave continues.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force is launching mass strikes on Gaza; several columns of refugees were destroyed by aircraft.
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⚡️🇺🇳 WEST VOTES AGAINST HUMANITY as Russia's Gaza ( humanitarian ceasefire push fails to pass UN Security Council (pictured) after Washington-led bloc blocks resolution.
France, UK, US, Japan vote AGAINST "humanitarian ceasefire, release of all hostages (, aid access and evacuation of civilians" in war-torn Palestinian exclave ( because USA says "Russia is giving cover to terrorist group Hamas (" (🤡)
Western Dip-LOO-mats @IntelRepublic
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❗️🇪🇺❌🇺🇦🛢️The EU shut off Ukraine's fuel tapS
🔹The fight against Russian oil products initiated by the EU is becoming more and more pro-Russian. The ban on imports of diesel fuel and gasoline from Russia is hitting Ukraine, which is in dire need of them. This is precisely the case when marasmus has finally triumphed over common sense.
🔹Previously, a huge part of oil products that Ukraine received from the EU were of Russian origin, which was masked in every possible way. Now this favorable picture has been given the order of the day.
🔹And there is a crisis on the Ukrainian fuel market. Traders complain that most of the corridors through which imported gasoline and diesel is delivered to the country are shut down.
🔹At the Ukrainian-Polish border, even empty gasoline trucks queue for 12 days just to leave. As a result, logistics has lengthened twice: previously, an average gasoline truck could make four trips in a month, and now only two. That is, to bring the same volume of fuel, twice as many vehicles are needed. But most companies do not have extra gasoline trucks. Therefore, the volume of deliveries will drop significantly
🔹At the border with Romania, the estimated time that gasoline trucks will have to spend in queue is up to 15 days. There are also problems with fuel delivery from Bulgaria and Moldova.
🔹And here is an icing on the cake: On October 17, amendments to the Ukrainian Customs Code, which tighten the requirements for fuel documents, will come into force. In particular, if now the wording "unknown country" is allowed as a source of origin, then as of Tuesday such a resource will become inadmissible.
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