Attention, United States of America: Judgment Comes

11 months ago

My name is Kimberly Hoover. I am born again of the water and of the Spirit since 2004, and am a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ for the following mission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and bring forth the the End Time message, that Christ returns soon. I am married to my wonderful husband, Timothy, have 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The Lord has called me into the prophetic ministry, into teaching, and have been actively involved with music and children’s ministry at our local church over the years. I am also a Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Wisconsin. Like, share, and follow the Omega Mission Channel on Rumble. Thank you for visiting and God bless you!

10/8/23--Attention, United States of America: Judgment Comes

The message for My people is as follow: Take heed, people of the United States. Your kingdoms must come down. They do not work according to the corruption and lusts of the flesh you follow after. Hear Me clearly, people. You don’t know Me and your life is being wasted away. Judgment comes. This land was once My land, founded upon My principals. But you have perverted them. You have given yourselves over to wickedness and witchcraft, idolatry, perverseness to the extreme. Such an extreme is so abominable to Me. All of it is abominable in My sight. I will purge you, America. Watch and learn of the greatness of God. I am God. I am Almighty, I am true, and I love you. Will you love Me? Turn from your wicked ways. Repent, turn your life over to Me. Oh wicked people of the United States, you will be judged. It comes in the form of a war. A great war. There will be devastation like you have never seen before. It is starting. There is a war in Israel. It will lead to a great war. With this, your political administration will fall. It is corrupt and has done abominable things. They will be removed. I am a Holy God, a righteous God. My will will be done on this earth. Man cannot govern himself. I, the Lord this day speak to you, plead with you to turn from your wicked ways. Turn toward Me again, America. Turn to My principles. Turn to My love so your divided states can become united again. Oh, people, come to Me for I love you with great love. I allow devastation and “bad things” to happen to you. This is a consequence to your great sin. I am faithful and just to forgive your sin, oh United States. I have a special plan for you. You will be helping My chosen people soon. Stand up, revive, come alive again and become what I have called you to become: the Great Eagle who captures and protects My chosen. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel and the Gentiles, this day, I call one more time: Come to Me and I will set you free from bondage.

Scripture References:
Revelation 9:13-21--6th Trumpet War
Revelation 6:5-6, 7-8--7 seals--red and green horse (Spirits of Communism and Islam)
Revelation 12:6, 10-14--Wrath of Satan, 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation, US protecting Israel
Matt 24:29-31--Great Tribulation occurs before Jesus returns again
Daniel 1:1-13--Marking the last 3 1/2 years and start of Great Tribulation

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