Some of You May Not Make Heaven

11 months ago

Some of You May Not Make Heaven

October 2nd, 2023

Hello May the gentle conviction of the Holy Spirit penetrate our hearts, dear ones. Lord Jesus, help us to see ourselves in Your mirror and make a firm decision to change the things that are not right. Amen.

Well, as a little preface to this message, the Lord has been a little distant from me lately, and one of the reasons is He is giving those graces, that is those sweet graces, to other souls that do not know Him, so that they can be touched deeply in their hearts, and another reason is always wisdom to consider is that maybe I have done something to offend Him, but today He visited me.

And I said, Oh.Lord, thank You so much for filling me, I have been so dry and thirsty for Your love. Please keep holding me, please do not let me go...please.... I need You Jesus, I need You so badly, dear God, I need You. Please do not stay so far away, have been so empty, so dry, so wanting for My God. Oh, please forgive me, please forgive me for my foolishness, and help me to do better, please.

Jesus began, “I always run to you when you are truly contrite and feel that you have nothing coming from Me, because you are so little...I always hear that cry. Do not be afraid Clare, I am still fully with you. Do not fear, I love you now more than ever before if there could be such a thing.”

Lord, I see myself in my littleness and frailty and I do get afraid.

He replied, “Only because you are looking at your insufficiency, rather than My all-encompassing power that I have planted within your heart, Beloved. I will never desert you and leave you on your own. Never.”

That is so comforting, Lord. Now since You have visited me, I am almost afraid of what is coming, because a lot of times He will visit me before a trial.

He replied, “You should not be. There is nothing coming to you or the community that We cannot handle. Do not be afraid. Please trust Me to handle it all. I know what they have planned for you, do you really think they can pull one over on Me? No, of course not, their wisdom is foolishness. Please do not be afraid.”

Lord, I did not realize I was afraid until now.

“You hide many things from yourself, Beloved.”

Thank You for those words of reassurance, Lord. What do You have for us today?

“I am coming. Not much longer, did you not get a hint when I told you your days are coming to a close on this Earth? In other words, get busy. Really busy. Busy busy, but do not exclude Me. Keep Me in on everything you do so we can be together. I want to be with you. I want to work with you, I want you to recognize My presence in everything we do.

“I did not say that to you alone. I say that to all My Heart Dwellers. I AM with you in all that you do, and you will feel the sting of our separation less, if you practice recognizing Me in your presence every day. The more you recognize My presence, the smoother things will go for you. When you are about to meet with someone ,say, ‘Jesus, please greet this person. Show me how to interact with them.’ And I will do just that. It will not be you that speaks, but it will be Me who is speaking to them. You can rely on this. No matter how impossible it may seem to you, they will feel it, I mean truly feel it.

“Do practice confronting sin. I need you to pinpoint it, do not let it slide by. They need to know, and you need to know, that I see your sins and it is not ok with Me, it has dire consequences-everlasting, eternal consequences. Yes, time is short and there is very little time left to turn around. Yes, it has been delayed but it is still on its way and the horrors that will attend the time after the Rapture are coming as well. So those of you who have put off your conversion, if you continue to, you may miss it, and that would be tragic with eternal consequences.

Now it is interesting here because I started seeing a non-denominational church, and the lovely women that go to church there and I realized many of them were having affairs, with not their husbands, but strangers. When I saw that, the Lord began speaking.

He said, “Some of you, My Christian people, denominational and non-denominational, are playing with fire. You have illicit sexual relationships and think you can still go to Heaven. You are mistaken, your lives are on the line right now, you have known what you were doing was wrong, but you continued in your sin. The devils are stoking the fire for you right now, they see your destination clearly, but you do not. You presume on My mercy, but My mercy is not for those who know better. It is for those who have been totally ignorant of their sins.

“Some of you are pocketing money that belongs to Me and to the poor. May I say, this is a leading cause of eternal damnation? Think again, look deeper, you knew it was wrong, but you did it anyway. You are skating on very thin ice.

“Some of you are habitually lying to cover for things you are ashamed of. Liars cannot enter Heaven. Bearing false witness and tale bearing are serious sins worthy of the flames of Hell. That is not a slap on the hands it is immersion in the flames. My version of holiness is not one and the same with yours, it is far more penetrating and binding.

“I am telling you these things to give you time to turn around because soon the opportunity to repent will have passed you by. Look at these things now with My magnifying glass and consider the possible consequences. I love you, deeply, but you know right from wrong so turn yourself around quickly, do not delay.” And that was the end of His sobering message.

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