10/4/23 With Friends Like Uncle Sam, Who Needs Enemies? "Failing Upward" part 3 S3E9p3

1 year ago

“With Friends Like Uncle Sam, Who Needs Enemies?”
President Ronald Reagan once said that the nine most terrifying words in English are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” A fair number of us may have forgotten these words of wisdom by 2020, but the global health crisis sure woke us up! Or, some of us anyway. Then more with the response to the Summer of Love 2020; then more with the vaccine mandates and passports; then more with the endlessly closed public schools; then more with the ever-worsening economy; then more with the border crisis; then more with 70,000 new IRS agents; then more with the political persecutions and conspicuous lack of persecutions depending on the party status of the alleged criminal. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we will echo what nearly everyone is asking by now: With a friend like Uncle Sam, who needs enemies?

"Failing Upward" Part 3: 10/4/23
This week on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the spiritual problem of finding solutions to problems caused by the same people trying to solve them.

Season 3 Episode 9
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#somethingshappeninghere #RonaldReaganQuotes #GovernmentIntervention #GlobalHealthCrisis #SummerOfLove2020 #VaccineMandates #VaccinePassports #PublicSchools #EconomicChallenges #BorderCrisis #IRSAgents #PoliticalPersecutions #PartyPolitics #UncleSam #GovernmentActions #PodcastDiscussion #CurrentEvents #PoliticalAnalysis #CrisisResponse #USGovernment #UncleSamAndUs

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