9/27/23 Prophecy is Important: Daniel 8 "The Prophecies of Daniel" part 3 S3E8p3

1 year ago

“Prophecy is Important: Daniel 8”
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we study Daniel chapter 8, the next repetition of the historical progression prophetic paradigm. Today is the first of a two-part study: today we establish what the Bible actually says, and tomorrow we look at what much of the world claims it says. In so doing, we learn not only why prophecy is important broadly, but also why it’s so super important to rightly discern it.

"The Prophecies of Daniel" Part 3: 9/27/23
For our eighth episode of Season Three, we keep our Prophecy Hats on all week long, to answer a prophetic-looking meme with a right understanding of the prophecies in the Old Testament book of Daniel.

Season 3 Episode 8
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