The Traditional Latin Mass Explained

1 year ago

There were two mistakes brought to my attention, we do NOT have ordinary time in the old calendar, and the Sanctus is NOT a part of the Canon of the Mass. Thanks to those who pointed it out! As a human, I am not perfect, and I really appreciate you guys holding me accountable! Thank you!

Hey everyone!
In this video I explain the Traditional Latin Mass. This video has been highly requested so I am happy to finally be putting it out for y'all!
I hope you enjoy :)

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0:00 Intro
1:13 Disclaimer
1:37 Overview of the Mass
2:30 Choosing a Missal
3:54 Ordinaries vs Propers
4:27 Following the Mass
5:02 Asperges Me
5:31 Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
6:35 Inroit
7:01 Kyrie
7:35 Gloria
8:13 Collect
8:24 Epistle
8:35 Gradual/Tract/Alleluia
8:43 Gospel
9:04 Homily
9:34 Credo
9:43 Offertory
9:57 Incensation
10:21 Lavabo
10:27 Suscipe and Orate Fratres
10:43 Secret
10:50 Preface
11:02 Sanctus
11:16 Prayers before Consecration
11:41 Consecration
12:45 Minor Elevation
13:00 Pater Noster
13:12 Fracturing of the Host
13:23 Agnus Dei
13:27 Kiss of Peace
13:32 Communion
14:28 Ablutions
14:38 Final Blessing and Prayers
14:51 Last Gospel
15:01 Leonine Prayers
15:19 Responses for the Latin Mass
18:50 Outro

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